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CRE topical Questions and Answers-Contemporary Christian living

1.         (a) Identify the effects of irresponsible sexual behaviour.                                        

            (b) In what ways do Christians demonstrate responsible parenthood?                     

 2.        (a)  Explain why Traditional African Communities encouraged to have many children      

            (b) Give reasons why divorce is discouraged in Christian marriage                                     

3.         (a) State Christian teachings on human sexuality                                                                  

            b) Suggest factors that have led many Kenyans to remain unmarried today                        

            (c) What is the Christian view on abortion?                                                                          

4.         Explain Christian understanding of family    .                                                               

5.       (a) Give seven reasons why pre-marital pregnancies were rare in Traditional African Communities.    

            (b) Identify seven causes of prostitution in Kenya today.                                                     

            (c) State six ways in which Christian youths can deal with the temptation of having sex before


6.         a) Identify eight causes of single parenthood                                                           

            b) Give seven reasons why the Christians church is against abortion                      

7.         (a) What are the Christian teaching on human sexuality                                                       

            (b)  Discuss six reasons why pre-marital sex was rare in the Traditional African  communities      

            (c) State seven factors that undermine marriage in Kenya today                                                     

8.         (a)State any seven Christian teachings on the family                                                            

b) Explain Traditional African understanding of human sexuality                                       

            c) What causes people to engage in adultery

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