CRE topical Questions and Answers-Creation and the Fall of Man


1.         Steps taken by God towards healing damaged relationship with mankind.

  • He looked for Adam/Eve.
  • He made a covenant with Abraham.
  • He chose Israel as a holy nation through whom other nations would receive salvation.
  • He provided a new covenant through Jeremiah.
  • He sent Jesus to reconcile mankind to Him.
  • He sent prophets to guide Israelites on how to live his people.
  • He gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
  • He renewed the Sinai Covenant with Israelites after they broke it.

2.         (a)The causes of original sin.

  • Failure to stand strong for God, that is, weak faith.
  • Human weakness.
  • Temptation from Satan.
  • Doubting God’s good intention.
  • Greed/lust for material things like the fruits.
  • Greed/lust for power.
  • Disobedience to God’s commands.
  • Failure to be accountable for their actions.                     (7 x 1) mks

 (b)Comparison between the Biblical concept of sin and the traditional African concept of evil.

  • In both God is believed to be the creator of the universe.
  • In both, God is Holy and hates evil.
  • In both, evil causes or leads to death.
  • In both God’s love suppresses the full punishment for evil.
  • In both, God punishes evil.
  • In both, God rewards the righteous.
  • In both, evil is portrayed as a destroyer of relationships between human beings and God.
  • In both, there is an evil agent and an agent of good. In the Bible, the evil agent is Satan while the
  • agent good is the Holy Spirit.
  • In both, evil is portrayed as destroyer of relationships between humans and God.

3.         Steps taken by God towards healing damaged relationship with mankind.

  • He looked for Adam/Eve.
  • He made a covenant with Abraham.
  • He chose Israel as a holy nation through whom other nations would receive salvation.
  • He provided a new covenant through Jeremiah.
  • He sent Jesus to reconcile mankind to Him.
  • He sent prophets to guide Israelites on how to live his people.
  • He gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
  • He renewed the Sinai Covenant with Israelites after they broke it.

4.      The relationship between man and woman according to the Genesis Accounts of creation.

  1. Both created by God/given the breath or life/life giving Spirit.
  2. Have to many /procreate/be come one flesh/sex.
  3. Companions/compliment each other /helper.
  4. Both are equal
  5. They are to take care of creation/co-workers with God/continue with creation.
  6. Are to die /return to the soil.
  7. Are to obey/worship God/Rest /have personal relations hip with God.

5.         (a) 7 instructions given to man by God in the creation stories (Gen. 1 7 2)             

  1. To control /have dominion over all creation of God
  2. Till the land and subdue it
  3. Procreate/multiply and fulfill the earth
  4. Naming every creature
  5. For companionship (man & wife
  6. To complement each other  (man & wife)
  7. To choose between good and bad (evil) right/wrong-leading to eternity/death

            (b) 6 causes of evil in Traditional African Society                                                    

  • Caused by Evil spirits /bad spirits
    • Disobeying elders/parents/relatives leading to curses
    • Breaking of oath/will
    • Failure to honour rituals/taboo// custom, norms and ancestors
    • Murder/incest/rape/killing of sacred animals
    • Magic /sorcery/ witch craft
    • Acquired from parents /inherited                   

6.          Ways through which Christians care for God’s creation today

  1. Through procreation
  2. Through responsible parent hood
  3. Farming
  4. Helping the needy
  5. Preserving life i.e. not killing, avoiding abortion
  6. Land reclamation
  7. Through taking care of the environment/ conserving the environment
  8. Making just laws
  9. Manufacturing of goods and services
  10. Creating employment opportunity
  11. Strengthening and joining movements like green belt movement which preserves environment
  12. Caring for wildlife i.e. reporting poachers to the relevant authorities

7.         a) Reasons why it is important for Christians to obey God?                                    

  • Obedience brings blessings.
  • To avoid being punished.
  • God expect them to do so.
  • It is a command
  • To live in harmony with others.
  • God alone is to be obeyed and worshiped.
  • To have a good relationship with God.

b) The consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African communities?        

  • Barrenness.
  • Drought.
  • Wars
  • Epidemics.
  • Poverty
  • Illness
  • Physically and mentally handicapped children.
  • Disaster e.g environmental  like earthquakes
  • Unstable families
  • Rebellious children.                                             

8.         a) 5 differences between African concept of evil and biblical concept of sin

  • Biblically there is eternal punishment for wrong doers while in African concept punishment is immediately in the physical world
  • Africans believe in collative punishment unlike in the bible that talks about individual punishment
  • Traditionally suffering is s a result of doing evil while biblically it is not always true e.g. Joab and Jesus
  • Traditionally African religion does not have an opportunity of a saviour which is provided for in the Bible through Jesus Christ
  • Biblically sinners go to hell and those who repent their sins go to heaven while traditionally the dead join the spirits. No heaven no hell
  • Biblically sin originate from the heart while in traditional African society external forces are believed to cause evil                                                       

b) 5 steps God took to heal broken relationships with mankind after the fall           

  • He looked for Adam and Eve. He wanted to find out where they were
  • He made garments of skin for Adam and Eve then clothed them
  • He gave man power over the serpent
  • He provided Adam and Eve means to find food after chasing them out of the garden of Eden
  • God called Abraham and made a covenant with him
  • God chose Israel as a holy nation and gave them ten commandments to guide them
  • God sent prophets to guide and correct his people
  • God provided a new covenant with man kind through prophet Jeremiah
  • God sent a Messiah who died on the cross for the sins of man kind
  • God sent the Holy Spirit to guide people in the church     (First five points x1=5 mks) 

9.          Similarities between traditional African view of evil and Biblical concept of sin are;

  • In both cases, evil is caused by a foreign agent/forces/external forces i.e. serpent in the Bible and malicious /bad spirit in the African community
  • In both sin comes as a result of disobedience of the culprit
  • Both looked at evil as something coming from a curse
  • Both agree that the result of evil is suffering and hardship
  • In both, evil leads to separation from God/destroys relationship between God and people
  • In both, God is the guardian of law and order/morality
  • In both, evil leads to death of the offender          

10.       (a) The differences in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2                    

  1. The creation is in order form in the first account while there is no order in the second account.
  2. Male and female are created at the same time in the image of God in the first account while in the second account, man is made out of dust and the woman from the mans ribs
  3. In the first account, creation is out of nothing but in the second account man is made out of dust of the ground as the plants are made to grow out of a garden
  4. In the first account, human beings are created last while in the second account, they are created first.
  5. In the first account, God gives name to what he orders to be while in the second account man is made to give names to all that God created.
  6. In the first account human beings are to subdue (control) the earth while in the second account, God confines them in the Garden of Eden.
  7. In the first account creation is competed in six days while in the second account there are no numbers of days given.
  8. God rested on the seventh day in the first creation account but there is no day of rest given on the second creation account.
  9. In the first account, there is no Garden of Eden while in the second there is.
  10. In the first account the spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters while in the second account it is not mentioned.
  11. In the first account God appreciated every thing as good while in the second account he said it is not good for man to be alone
  12. In the first account God created human beings for procreation while in the second account he created them for companionship                                                                         

(b)6 lessons that Christian learn about work from the Genesis stories of creation              

  1. Work is ordained by God
  2. God is a worker
  3. All work is important
  4. Work should be part of Christian’s life.
  5. God expects human beings to work
  6. Work should be orderly
  7. Work should be diligently
  8. Rest is important after work              

(c) 4 ways on how Christians can care for God’s creation today                                         

i) They should conserve and preserve the environment

ii) They should treat the rest of the creation with respect

iii) They should take good care of wild animals by establishing game reserves and game parks  for them

iv) Should take care of Gods creation by opposing deforestation and helping to control soil erosion.

v) Christians can contribute to scientific discovery of medicine for various diseases by giving

    monetary donations to relevant institutions           

11.      The provisions given to man by God in the creation stories

  1. The garden of Eden
  2. A helper/ compassion/ wife
  3. The gift of life/ breath
  4. His love/ perfect happiness
  5. Wealth i.e. gold from rivers
  6. Power to procreate
  7. Authority/ dominion over the rest of creation
  8. All types of food

Water from the four rivers