1. a) Five virtues related to work
- Diligence- commitment/ hard work/ thorough effort on ones work
- Honesty/ integrity- truthful adjust doing quality work
- Faithfulness- Being loyal/ trustworthy by performing duty well at the right time according to contract signed
- Responsibility- being accountable/ working thoroughly without supervision
- Loyalty- Being faithful to employer, colleagues and organization
- Tolerance- Bearing with other people weaknesses/ harsh conditions/ decisions made by employer and some behaviors of the other workers though not accepting what is evil like stealing
b) Why child labor is morally wrong
- Children are gifts from God and should not be oppressed
- Retards child growth/ development
- Child may not develop talents
- Makes child negative towards work
- Shows parents irresponsibility
- Denies formal education
- Leads to loss of human dignity
- Promotes poverty which is a social evil
- Leads to exploitation through underpayment and overworking
2. Christians may deal with issues of child labour and neglect (7mks)
- practicing justice in way they deal with workers
- advocating be for the right of the children
- teaching others about Jesus attitude towards the children and calling them to be accountable in they way they handle the children
- reporting culprits of child labour/abuse to the authority
- rescuing children who are employed and neglected by providing them with basic needs
- educating parents that child abuse/abuse/neglect sinful before God
- praying for those who moles/defile/neglect the children)
3. a) Ways in which the employer should show respect for the human dignity of employees
- Pay them their worth/ give them wages which are commensurate with the work done. Should not exploit the workers or underpay them/ delay payments
- Provide them with healthy and safe working conditions. Provide clean atmosphere and ensure that their lives and health of the workers are protected
- Be sensitive and reasonable to the general welfare of employees by showing concern to their needs and problems
- Employee’s hours of work should be reasonable/ should not work for long hours without rest/ leisure. (If workers are to be productive, they need rest)
- The work load allocated to workers should not be commensurate with the workers mental, physical and intellectual ability and competence (avoid overtaxing workers)
- Workers should be allocated to take their leave or observe public holidays
- Show justice, fairness and practice charity towards employees especially to those who fall sick, who become pregnant during bereavement, old age/ during retirement
- Should discharge redundant workers fairly and in human manner and do their best to find other employment for them. Ensure job security (Any 9 points x 1 mark total 9 marks)
b) The duties and responsibilities of employees to employers?
- To carry out their duties efficiently/ to the best of their ability/ diligently
- Work for the welfare of the institution/ company/ organization/ promote the success of the organization
- Show respect and loyalty to the employer
- To respect/ observe the terms of contract/ agreement/ work according to the expectations of the employer
- To use the employers property with care/ avoid causing damage
- To show good will to the employer
- To co-operate with other workers for the welfare and success of the company/ institution
- Avoid joining in the strikes and go slow unionists for the sake of non- economic/ reasonable demands
- To perform ones duty with honesty, diligence and integrity
- Pray for the success of the institution/ the employer and other employees
c) Reasons why a Christian should not resort to strike action as a way of presenting grievances
- It is obedient to lawfully institute authority against Biblical teachings
- It leads to idleness/ laziness which is condemned in the Bible
- It wastes resources/ time
- It disrupts peaceful working atmosphere
- Could lead to destruction of property
- Could lead to loss of life which is against the commandment of God
- It could lead to loss of employment/ suffering of individuals
It leads to hatred bitterness/ frustration