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FORM 2 END OF TERM 3 2022 Exam-BIOLOGY Questions And Answers



 END OF TERM 2- 2021


NAME……………………………………………………CLASS. ……………………………………

ADM. NO. ………………………………………………DATE………………………………………


  1. The diagram below represents a transverse.  

Section of a young stem.

  1. Name the parts labeled A and B                                                                            (2mks)
  • State functions of the part labeled C, D, E.                                                            (3mks)



  1. a) Why are people with blood group O universal donors.                                          (2mks)



b)   A person with blood group AB requires blood transfusion. Name blood groups of

      the donor.                                                                                                                    (2mks)



  • a) Name the type of circulatory system found in insects                                           (1mk)                          


b) Name the blood vessel that transports blood from

  1. Small intestine to the liver.                                                                            (1mk)


  1. Lungs to the heart.                                                                                         (1mk)


c)  In what form is oxygen transported from the lungs to the body tissues?                    (1mk)


  • Distinguish between natural and acquired immunity.                                                            (2mks)


  • State four functions of blood other than transport.                                                           (4mk)


  • Name the antigens that determine human blood groups.                                                 (2mks)


  • State structural differences between arteries and veins.                                                 (6mks)



  • Give reasons for carrying out the following procedure when making temporary slides.                              
  • Making thin sections.                                                                                              (1mk)


  • Adding water to the sections.                                                                                  (1mk)


  • Placing coverslip over the plant section.                                                                 (1mk)


  • a) Distinguish between diffusion and osmosis.                                                                 (2mks)



b) The diagram below show a red blood cell that was subjected to certain treatment.

At start                                                           At end

Account for the shape of the cell.                                                                                     (2mks)

  1. a) Name the material that strengthens xylem vessels.                                                        (1mk)


            b) Name the tissue that is removed when the bark of the dicotyledonous stem is ringed(1mk)


11.  a) State what happens during light stage of photosynthesis.                                       (4mks)





      b). What are the end products light stage.                                                              (2mks



12. State 2 factors affecting enzymatic activities.                                                                 (4mks


13. How does the following affect the rate of diffusion:                                                                                        

  • Diffusion   gradient.                                                                                              (2 mk)



  • Size of the molecules                                                                                            (2 mk)


  • Thickness of the membrane.                                                                                (2 mk)


  • Temperature                                                                                                          (2mks)


  • Surface area to volume ration.                                                                              (2mks)


14. Explain how the following factors determine the daily energy requirements        

  1. Age                                                                                                                 (2mks)


  1. Occupation                                                                                                      (2mks)


  1. Sex                                                                                                                  (2mks)


15.  Name the appropriate food substances for each of the following enzymes.

  1. Ptyalin.                                                                                                            (2mks)


  1. Pepsin.                                                                                                             (2mks)


b). State the two roles of mucus in the stomach.                                                        (2mks)


16. a) State 3 adaption of xylem to its function.                                                                    (3mks)


b) Describe how 4 environment factors affect the rate of transportation.                              (8mks)




17.a)  State the difference between closed and open circulatory system.                                (2mk)


b).State two ways in which the heart muscles are adapted to their functions.                       (2mks)


18. State the role of the following organelles.                                                                        (6mks)

  1. Golgi apparatus


  • Ribosomes


a.  Golgi apparatus


  • Lysosomes


  • Mitochondrion


  • Chloroplasts


  • Centrioles
