1. (a) Effects of irresponsible sexual behaviours are:-
- Promotes the spread of STI’s
- Increase mental disorders
- Incase of single parenthood
- May lead to unwanted pregnancy and eventually abortion
- May cause death if disease is not curable
- Leads to disagreements
- Leads to divorce/separation if practiced in marriage (6×1=6mks)
(b) Christians demonstrate responsible parenthood by:-
- Understanding parental roles/responsibilities; husbands are expected to play their role as fathers of their children
- Educating children n all aspects of life
- Reaching/training children n religious matters
- Helping their children to grow physically/socially/psychologically and emotionally
- Helping children to develop intellectually by providing opportunities for them to learn
- Teaching morals/right behaviour to their children
- Teaching children how to relate to one another as brother and sisters among other relatives
- Teaching them social and civic responsibilities
- Being hardworking so that they are able to provide for the needs of their families
- Parents should also remember not to discriminate against any of their children
- Showing understanding /tolerance to their children
2. (a)Why traditional families were encouraged to have many children.
– Many children are regarded as a sign of wealth.
– Many children are an economic asset as they provide labour, e.g in the farms.
– Many children are source of prestige or recognition in the society.
– Many children especially girls bring more wealth to the family through bride wealth.
– Many sons are a source of security to the family as they provide warriors.
– Sons inherit their father’s property especially land.
– Many children take care of their parents in old
– Children ensure the perpetuation of a family and community life.
– Many children are viewed as a sign of blessings from God, it shows one is at peace with God
and ancestral spirits.
– To give the family security in case some children die due to epidemics and other
uncontrollable circumstances.
– Many children were a source of happiness and fulfillment in marriage. (8 x 1 = 8 mks)
(b)Give reasons why divorce is discouraged in Christian marriages.
– It undermines original purpose of marriage in the creation account where it’s intended to be
- Its sacred – God’s gift to human beings hence must be permanent.
- It’s a symbol of Christ and his church. So it a sacred union intended to honour and glorify God.
- It brings insecurity to the children by disrupting family life, the basic unit of society.
- It creates tension and bitterness between the parties involved due to feeling of humiliation, betrayed and distrust.
- Marriage is a total surrender of one partner to the other but divorce implies taking away what one has surrendered to the other separating what God has put together.
- Jesus’ and Paul’s teachings show that they disapprove of divorce.
- Jesus said the Mosaic Law allowed divorce because of human weaknesses. He maintained that what God put together, let no man put asunder.
3. a) Christian teaching on human sexuality
- God created both male and female
- Created the two for companionship
- Both share in the image of God
- Both become one in marriage
- Sexual intercourse is sacred and life giving
- Both play complimentary roles
- Human beings have the ability to control their sexual desires
b) Factors that have led Kenyans to remain unmarried today
- Too demanding careers e.g. armed forces, sea captains
- Fear of responsibility
- Physical defeats e.g. impotence/ HIV / AIDS
- Low income/ unemployment/ economic constraints
- Desire to pursue education/ research
- Some prefer single parenthood
- Failure to find suitable partner for marriage
- Some men fear highly educated women
- Exploitative/ commercialized dowry- feared by men
- Lack of guidance and counseling on the importance of marriage institution
- Disappointing previous relations e.g. broken engagement lead to mistrust
- Traumatic life experiences e.g. rape, incest may discourage girls from getting married
c) Christian view on abortion
- It is equated to murder which is forbidden by God (Exodus 20:13)
- Life is sacred / it belongs to God
- No one has a right to destroy life. It is God who gives/ it is him who takes it away
- The church has responsibility to provide counseling the victim of abortion so as to overcome depression
- Some churches allow abortion if the life of the mother is danger
4. a) Christian understanding of family
- Ordained by God
- Monogamous
- Complete with or without children
- It is the basic unit of a community
- Headed by husbands
- Divorce is discouraged
- Husband and wife play complementary while as partners
- Nuclear
- (a) seven reasons why pre-marital pregnancies were rare in Traditional African
- The children born out of wedlock/marriage were killed
- The children born out of marriages were abandoned
- Virginity was highly valued in some communities
- There were established separate activities for boys and girls
- Sex offenders fired/punished
- Adults especially elders, acted as role models
- Early marriages were recounted to control the urge of sex
- Girls who got pregnant were forced to marry old men /became second wives
- Sex education was given to the youth from an early age to guide and counsel them
- Leisure activities involving boys and girls were supervised by elders
- Some communities practiced female circumcision
(b) seven causes of prostitution in Kenya today
- Drunkard ness and drug abuse
- Peer influence
- Inadequate role models
- Idleness/lack of employment
- Urbanization
- Poverty
- Irresponsible parenting
- Loss of traditional values leading to permissiveness
- Long separation of spouse or divorce
- Lack of guidance and counseling
- Sickness/ill health of one partner
- Negative foreign influence of contraceptives
- Lack of self control
- Desire for money
- Influence of mass media/pornography
(c) six ways in which Christian youths can deal with the temptation of having before marriage
- Use the power of prayer to overcome temptation
- Avoid staying alone especially in the dark with a person of opposite sex
- Go for guidance and counseling from church leaders
- Choosing the right friends
- Choosing right leisure activities
- Reading the bible for enlightenment and encouragement
- Read literature on human sexuality to remove ignorance
- Obeying God’s command of keeping ones body pure until marriage
- Avoiding arousing each other e.g. kissing
- Always dressing decently
- Avoiding watching pornography
6. a) Eight causes of single parenthood (8mks)
- death of spouse
- divorce
- separation
- profession that require too much attention
- unfulfilled family expectation/financial constraints
- health problems
- infidelity/unfaithfulness
- rape cases
- affirmative action/parity
- children got out f wedlock
- imprisonment for along period of time
b) seven reasons why the Christians church is against abortion
- life is sacred and belongs to God
- abortion endangers the lie of the mother
- abortion denies the unborn baby the tight to life
- abortion is a misuse of the gift of sex and violate the sanctity of human life
- abortion will be turned into trade by methical doctors
- may lead to regrets and psychological torture
- may lead to permanent sterility
7. (a) Christian teachings on human are;-
- Human sexuality originates from God/God created both male and female
- Man and woman were created for companionship
- Male and female complements each other in their reproductive functions
- Sexual intercourse is sacred/ it is a gift from God
- Virginity is highly valued
- Both male and female are created in the image of God
- The union of male and female is consummated in marriage/man and woman became one in marriage
- Male and female should live in harmony by respecting each other /should regard each other as equal
- Male and female should procreate/fulfill God’s command to multiply
- Sexual deviation is condemned e.g. homosexuality/lesbianism/ adultery, sodomy
(b) Six reasons why pre-marital sex was rare in the Traditional African Communities are:
- Early marriages were arranged to control sexual urge
- Some communities practiced female circumcision
- Free mixing of boys and girls
- Virginity was highly valued
- There were established separate activities for boys and girls
- sex offenders punished/fined
- Adults especially elders acted as role models
- Girls who got pregnant before marriage were forced to marry old men (6×1=6mk)
(c) Seven factors that undermine marriage in Kenya today are:
- Failed marriages/poor role models
- Infidelity/unfaithfulness
- Commercialization of bride-price
- Western influence/culture
- Demanding careers
- Western education/formal education
- Substance abuse
- Presence of HIV/AIDS pandemic
8. Seven Christian teachings on the family.
- Instituted by God through marriage.
- Monogamous.
- Related by blood, marriage/adoption.
- Man is head.
- Takes care and upkeep of orphans widows.
- Offers emotional support/security to the children n.
- Governed by principles of love and respect
- Complete with/without children.
- Parents have a duty to introduce their children to worship of God.
- Children have to obey their parents/Respect.
Husband/wife play complementary roles.