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CRE Topical Questions and Answers-Christian approaches to selected issues related to modern science , Technology and Environment.

1.         (a) Outline six main causes of desertification in Kenya.                                                       

            (b) Give six reasons why Christians condemn Euthanasia                                                    

            (c)Explain four reasons which will compel a doctor to assist one commit abortion 

2.         (a) State ways in which a Christians can contribute to the conservation of the environment

            (b) Outline five advantages of genetic engineering to mankind                                           

            (c) Identify five ways in which modern science and technology undermine Christian teaching on

                 respect to life                                                                                                                                

3.         Outline ways through which Christians can help control desertification.                      

4.          (a) Give seven reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia                                            

            b) Outline the negative impact of deforestation on the environment                                    

5.         (a) Explain seven ways in which Science and technology  has contributed to the spread  of the 

                  gospel today                                                                                                    

            (b) Give four ways in which Science and technology has promoted promiscuity in the

                  society  today                                                                                                             

            (c) Give reasons why Christians are against Euthanasia                                               

6.         What role has science and technology played in the evangelisation process            

7.         State seven ways in which Christians make use of science and technology to spread   the gospel.

8.         a) Explain how Science and Technology has helped to improve human life                        

            b) Give five reasons why Christians are opposed to the term Abortion in the proposed

                 Constitution of Kenya                                                                                                      

            c) Outline seven relationships that exist between the church and the state in Kenya           

9.         a) Outline advantages of Genetic engineering to mankind                                                   

            b) State ways in which some people misuse the Bible.

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