CRE Topical Questions and Answers-Selected Old Testament Prophets and their teachings:


(a) Prophets

1.         (a) Five conditions which lead to the Babylonian exile are;-                                              

  • Babylonians had become powerful and had defeated Egypt
  • The Israelites had forsaken the covenant way of life/commands of God
  • They had broken their relationship with God e.g. worshipped idols.
  • Intermarriages with foreigners
  • Israelites refused to listen to Prophets
  • They also persecuted the prophets of Yahweh
  • The Israelites failed to repent of their sins
  • They had weak leaders who failed to return people to the covenant way of life(Any5x2=10mks)

(b) Problems the Israelites experienced during the Babylonian exile are;-

  • They lacked adequate food/famines
  • They suffered from various diseases and ailments
  • They lost their identity
  • They found it hard to adopt to a new environment
  • They had to keep/follow the Babylonian officials
  • They lived in fear of the Babylonian officials
  • They were turned to refugees
  • Their religious loyalty to God was undermined
  • They lacked places of worship
  • There were false prophets                                                                         (Any5x1=5mks)

            (c) Five difficulties Christians go through as they serve God are;-

  • Temptation from worldly/devil pleasure
  • Face opposition/persecution/oppression due to their faith
  • Communication barriers
  • Challenges form other religions
  • Bad examples set by leaders discourage them
  • Challenges from science and technology
  • Disagreement /division within the Church
  • False teachings/Prophet who contradict Christian teachings                  (Any 5×1=5mks)

2.         Six roles of the Prophets of God in the Old Testament                                 

  • Mediator between God and people
  • God’s spokesmen/communicate and predict the future
  • Condemned injustices and defended the law of God
  • They were conscience of Kings and advise them if they go wrong
  • Acted  as priests /offer sacrifice e.g. Samuel Aaron/ Moses
  • They gave people hope /encouraged people in times of difficulties

3.         a) 7 characteristics of true prophets in Old Testament                                                         

  1. They all received a vocational call from God
  2. They all responded positively/ in obedience to God’s call
  3. They all stood for the covenant way of life
  4. They all spoke with authority from God
  5. They all condemned the social evils in the society of their times
  6. All inspired/ led to by the Holy Spirit
  7. Suffered rejection/ opposition/ criticism from Israelites
  8. All were courageous and ready to die for the truth
  9. Acted as mediator/ bridge/ link between God and the Israelites
  10. Their prophecies always come true/ pass
  11. Preached monotheism
  12. Were morally upright                                                       

4.         Seven duties of God’s prophets in the old testament                                    

  1. Communicated God’s message to the people
  2. Taught the people the covenant way of life
  3. Called people to repentance
  4. Warned people of God’s impending judgement
  5. They revealed God’s will to the people
  6. They gave people hope of salvation
  7. They condemned the evils in society                    

5.         Ways through which a Christian can identify a true servant of God is by:

  • Gives free services
  • They are prayerful
  • They are humble/honest/kind/patient/loving/faithful
  • They condemn evil in the society
  • Sharing of their resources with the needy
  • Being exemplary /role model
  • Preaching the word of God         

6.         Five methods  used by the  old testament prophets   to  pass their  messages               

  • Through  sermons/public  speeches
  • By  performing  miracles
  • Through  demonstration/symbolic actions
  • Using  personal  experiences
  • Writing letters to their audiences
  • Through songs
  • Through  dialogue with  the  audience

7          a) The differences between the traditional and old Testament prophets.    

  • In tradition Afr5iccan their received their  powers through inheritance/ spirits of the living dead while old Testament prophets were appointed and received theirs from God.
  • In traditional, they ere highly respected and obeyed while the Old Testament ones faced opposition most of the time.
  • In traditional, their prophecies have been preserved and  passed on mainly through  oral traditions while the old testament  ones were recorded and preserved in written from.
  • The Old Testament prophets some of them had an idea of a glorious Messiah ho would come while the traditional ones, the concept of the Messiah does not exist.
  • The traditional recognized and worshipped many gods and goddesses while the Old Testament ones stressed on Monotheistic religion that is worship of only one God.
  • The traditional ones limited their Messages to their communities while the Old Testament ones gave the messages to the Israelites and the whole world                                    

b) Ways through which the Old Testament prophets communicated their Messages to the people?                                                                                                            

  • Lyrics
  • Prose/narratives.
  • Sermons
  • Letters e.g Jeremiah
  • Song/poems.
  • Lamentations
  • Symbolizations.
  • Lifestyle e.g Hosea

c) Lessons for Christians from the Old Testament Prophets                                           

  • They should prophecy for the glory of God.
  • They should stand firm for the truth
  • They should condemn all corrupt practices in the society.
  • They should be ready to obey God’s call.
  • They should lead holy lives.
  • They should be ready to be rejected.
  • They should preach the gospel all over the world as god is universal.

(c) Amos

1.         (a) Six reasons  why Amos proclaimed God’s judgement on Israel and Judah are;-           

  • The people of Israel and Judah sold their debtors to slavery
  • They perverted justice in law courts i.e. bribery and corruption
  • They practiced sexual immorality
  • The poor were exploited
  • The rich drunk wine in the temple
  • They ordered Prophets not to speak in God’s name
  • They practiced idolatry
  • They had no regard for the Sabbath                                                         (Any 6×1=6mks)

(b) Similarities in Prophetic vocations of Amos and Jeremiah are;-

  • Amos and Jeremiah experienced God dramatically in their calling
  • Both obeyed God’s call
  • They condemned the evils they witnessed in their society
  • Both foretold God’s punishment on the wrongdoers
  • They taught people God’s will
  • They were opposed
  • Both taught God as good,, loving, holy and merciful
  • They both spoke with authority
  • They both lived a righteous life
  • They called for sincere worship i.e. against hypocrisy
  • They preached of the only God and the universality of God
  • They called upon people to repent in order to be forgiven                       (Any7x1=7mks)

(c) Lessons learned from Amos teachings on judgement

  • God is a moral God and His moral claim are the same for all people
  • The prophets prophecies came to pass
  • Other people’s liberty should be protected
  • People learn to be committed to the agreements they make
  • People learn that they should do to others what they expect done to them
  • God is a universal God
  • God punishes evil and it doesn’t matter who commits it
  • God is the giver of life and He expects it to be protected
  • Religion and behaviour should not be separated
  • People should have love for their fellow men                 

2.          Ways in which the poor were oppressed by the rich during the time of Amos

  1. Merchants overcharged the poor
  2. The poor were sold for a piece of silver/ sandals
  3. The poor were cheated on business deals/ using poor scales
  4. Goods sold to the poor were unfit for human consumption
  5. The poor were sold to slavery when they were liable to pay debts
  6. The poor were denied justice in law courts
  7. The poor were persecuted when they challenged injustice in court
  8. They were robbed of grain/ food/ belongings
  9. Exorbitant rents
  10. Grapping of land from the poor

3.         a) Ways in which the war oppressed the poor during the time of prophet Amos

  1. Merchants robbed the poor by overcharging them
  2. The poor were sold for a piece of silver / a pair of shoes
  3. The war grabbed land from the poor
  4. The poor were created in business deals when the rich used faulty scales and measures
  5. Goods sold to the poor were unfit for human consumption
  6. The poor were sold into slavery when they were unable to pay their debts to the rich
  7. The poor were denied justice in the law courts because they could not bribe the judges
  8. Cases taken to the courts by the poor were thrown out/ not listened to
  9. The temple prostitutes were from the poor families
  10. The poor were robbed of their grains/ food/ belonging                          

b) Ways in which Christians express sincere worship in church today

  1. The need to have humility as they worship
  2. Concentrate on/ read God’s word
  3. Practice justice with one another
  4. Have practical Christian living               

4.         a) Forms of punishment Amos prophesized for Israel and Judah     

  1. Earthquakes that would destroy the houses of rich and poor
  2. Famine – Referring to spiritual famine or hunger for God’s word
  3. Invasion by Assyrians ho would destroy the people and their land
  4. Eclipses – The land would be covered by darkness
  5. Captivity by Assyrians
  6. Drought leading to painful thirst
  7. Destruction of the alters at David and Bethel
  8. Exile due to attack by Assyrians                                                                    

b) What is the relevance of prophet Amos message on judgment to Christians        

  1. God will judge evil and punish the wrongdoers
  2. Christians should be courageous and they face life situation
  3. God is universal and will pass judgement on all nation
  4. Christians have to put God’s teachings into practice to avoid false holiness
  5. God hates sin which is why he judges all nation

5.         Religious evils condemned by Prophet Amos are:                                                       

  • Human sacrifice/child sacrifice
  • Idolatry
  • Temple prostitution
  • Syncretism
  • Insincere worship
  • Empty sacrifices   

6.          Five ways the rich oppressed the poor during prophet Amos time                          

  • Merchants overcharged the poor with high interests
  • The poor were sold into slavery for a piece of saddles or silver for failing to pay their debts
  • The poor were denied justice in law courts because they could not bribe judges
  • Temple prostitutes came from the poor families
  • The poor were cheated on business deals by using faulty weighing scales
  • Food sold to the poor were unfit for human consumption
  • The poor were forced to work on the rich people’s farms for little or no pay
  • The land for the poor was grabbed by the rich

7.           Five ways Christians can fight corruption in the modern world                             

  • By leading an exemplary life of not being corrupt
  • Praying for the corrupt people to change their evil ways
  • Reporting the corrupt people to the relevant authority i.e. police
  • Educating the public on the dangers of corruption
  • Supporting and practicing fair distribution of wealth and resources
  • Creating awareness of biblical teaching on corruption
  • Giving heavy punishment of the offenders
  • Fighting for just and fair wages and good working conditions

8.          Five lessons a Christian can learn from the religious message prophet Amos had for the people

           of the Northern Kingdom

  • They should be courageous and condemn all forms of evils in the society
  • They should avoid insincere worship by being humble before God during worship and leading exemplary lives
  • They should be willing to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness to avoid punishment
  • They should know that God is a universal God and makes moral claims on everybody despite his nationality
  • They should preach against and avoid sexual immorality, drugs and alcohol abuse

9.         a) Five visions of prophets Amos                                                                         

  • Vision of a  great  swarm  of  locust
  • Vision of a great fire
  • Vision  of a  crooked wall
  • Vision of a  basket  of  ripe  fruits
  • Vision  of destruction  of the  altar

 b) Seven evils condemned by prophet Amos in Israel                                                         

  • oppression of the  poor
  • corruption and  bribery
  • dishonesty
  • sexual  immorality
  • drunkenness
  • pride  in material  possession
  • insincere  worship
  • empty sacrifices
  • syncretism
  • idolatry

 c) The relevance of Amos teachings on social justice and responsibility to   Christians today.                                                                                                                                

  • Christians learn that  God  will  punish  and  reward  all those that obey his  law
  • Christians  are  called to practice  what  they preach  and  condemn hypocritical tenderness
  • Christians  should  be just  in dealing  with  one  another
  • Christians should  not  pursue  luxuries  and  self indulgence  when others lack  the  most basic  needs
  • They  should condemn  corruption  and  uphold  justice
  • They  should bear in mind that  every  evil  committed  will be  punished  by  God
  • They should  be  aware of  the  d angers  associated  with width  since  it  can divert their  attention from god
  • They should be ready  at any time  when called  to do  God’s  work
  • Should  prepare  for the  judgement  day  by  being  obedient  to  his  word
  • Should  not  indulge  themselves  in activities harmful  to  their  faith

10.       a) Four visions of Amos about judgment and punishment.                           

  1. Basket of ripe fruits 8  1- 3. The Season of waiting for the nation  to change was over. Israel was ripe for Gods punishment.
  2. The destruction of the temple. The Lord stood by the altar in this vision. He order the destruction of the temple where the Israelites offered sacrifices. This implied the sanctuaries of Dan and Bethel had become centres of their Act.              
  3. Vision  of fished wall. The crocked wall is being checked by a plumb line. Israel had gone out of the way. Amos did not intervene as Israel was clearly out of the way.
  4. Vision of great fire. God sends great fire, in dries up the land. Amos prays to God far give as the punishment is to severe.

b) Lessons  we learn about God from the teaching of Amos on judgment and punishment

  1. God is universal/judges all nation – expects people to be morally and spiritually upright.
  2. God hates evil – condemned the Israelite and other nations for disobeying him.
  3. God is merciful –through Amos he promised that the remnant shall remain after punishment/restore them back to himself.
  4. God is concerned about people welfare i.e he speaks on behalf of the pregnant women.
  5. God gives prosperity tot hose who sincerely turn to him and serve him.
  6. God is a just God because he passes judgement to those who sin against him.
  7. God’s people should behave in a way to match their religion holiness by putting Gods teaching in practice.
  8. God is supreme – leaders are not above the law of God.
  9. Live according to the will of God to avoid judgement.

c) Five ways in which church leaders are put to test today

  1. Lack of co-operation from the congregation.
  2. Problems of how to react/relate objectively

      When their expectation are not met.

  1. Inadequate knowledge on how to deal with various groups/women/youth/choir/revival groups
  2. There are temptation to acquire property unjustly.
  3. Too much time service is expected of them.
  4. Inability to control/meet human desires(sexuality)
  5. Might be in an environment that is hostile /insecure

11.       (a) Six reasons why Prophet Amos was against  the way Israelites worshipped God          

  1. They gave sacrifice which did not reflect holy life
  2. They practiced syncretism
  3. They were not sincere in their worship (they were hypocrites)
  4. They built many high places of worship for idols
  5. They made idols/worshipped idols.
  6. They misused the temple by feasting/drinking
  7. They refused to listen to the prophets of God/listened to false prophets
  8. They misused the Sabbath

ix)        They practiced temple prostitution                                        

(b) Seven teachings of Prophet Amos about the day of the Lord      

  1. i)it will be a day of terror and disaster.
  2. God will punish the Israelites for their disobedience/he will remember their evil deeds
  3. The land shall tremble/ there will be earthquakes.
  4. People will mourn/no happiness
  5. There will be darkness at noon/eclipse
  6. The feasts and festivals will not be joyful.
  7. People will thirst/hunger for the word of God.
  8. People will faint in the process of searching for the word of God.
  9. It will be a day of disappointments to the Israelites.
  10. The wicked will not escape Gods judgement                                     

(c) Seven ways in which Christians can help church leaders perform their duties effectively          

  1. Giving financial/material help.
  2. Advising/counseling them on various issues
  3. Participating fully in church activities/functions
  4. Giving tithes and offerings faithfully
  5. Praying for them
  6. Respecting them
  7. Obeying and practicing the word of God
  8. Defending them against unfair criticism

Providing training opportunities for them.   

12.       a) Forms of punishment Amos prophetised for Israel and Judah

  1. Earthquakes that would destroy the houses of the rich and the poor
  2. Famine- Spiritual famine or hunger for God’s word
  3. Invasion by the Assyrians who would destroy the people and their land
  4. Eclipses- The land would be covered in darkness
  5. Captivity by the Assyrians
  6. Drought leading to painful thirst
  7. Destruction of the altars at Dan & Bethel
  8. Exile due to attack by the Assyrians                                                              

b) How Christians promote mutual responsibility in society today

  1. Lovingly correcting offenders
  2. Creating awareness on peoples social responsibilities
  3. Promoting charity work for the needy
  4. Visiting the sick, imprisoned and bereaved
  5. Meeting and knowing one another
  6. Forming social groups and associations
  7. Coming together for celebrations            

13.       Challenges Nehemiah faced in his work.

            – Nehemiah faced lack of co-operation when rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.

            – Nehemiah faced opposition from his enemies who tried to kill him after they failed to      discourage  him from carrying out his mission.

– Nehemiah had to fight against social injustices and oppression.

– There was laxity in the observance of the Law.

– There was the problem of inter-marriage which threatened Jewish unity, culture and religion.

– There was misuse of the temple offerings leading the Levites to abandon their priestly duties.

(d) Jeremiah

1.         Changes in Traditional African Community today.

            – They have learnt too eat new dishes.

            – The mode of dressing has changed.

            – New forms of worship have been introduced.

            – New  political systems and forms of government have emerged.

            – The ancestors are no longer considered part of the African Community.

            – Land is now owned individually rather than community.

            – In some cases, the old have been left on their own; leading to the emergency of the homes for

               the aged.

            – The people have learned to plan for their families and are becoming more and more


2.         How Jeremiah qualifies to be a prophet of hope.

            – He told people that a few will survive after exile.

            – He wrote a letter of encouragement to the exiles.

            – He preached a message of hope to the Israelites.

            – He brought a piece of land to signify restoration.

            – He told the exiles that God would restore them back to their land.

            – He called people to repentance and promised that God was ready to forgive them.

            – He taught people that God would be their God in a new way and they would be His new             people.

3.         (a)Social background to Jeremiah’s prophetic work.                                                           

  • There was oppression of the weak
  • People used dishonest ways of acquiring wealth.
  • People committed adultery.
  • Murder of innocent people.
  • Stealing and telling of lies.
  • Rulers had failed to lead the people to the covenant way of life.

(b)Reasons for Jeremiah Temple Sermon.

  • They wee exploiting aliens, orphan and widows.
  • They were insincere in their worship.
  • They were worshipping idols and offering sacrifices to them.
  • They ignored the teachings of the prophets.
  • They had faloe belief that God could not destroy them and the temple.
  • They were sinful and had broken many of God’s commandments.         

(c)Relevance of Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations.

  • Christians learn that as Jeremiah, they will be rejected by their families and communities for the sake of the gospel.
  • Christians should be ready to face persecution for the sake of Christ, but persistence in prayer will see them victorious.
  • Christians learn to be firm in telling the truth no matter what obstacles are on the way.
  • Christians learn that their messages will not always be accepted by the people.
  • Christians should draw their security and protection from God for deliverance from enemies.
  • Christians learn to be faithful through difficult times in their spiritual life.
  • Christians should pray for their persecutions and not exercise vengeance.
  • Christians learn that tribulations and suffering are for strengthening their faith and growth of their spiritual strength.
  • Christian leaders should proclaim the word of God at all costs.
  • Christians must be aware of false prophets in the midst with an aim to mislead them.
  • Christians should always tell the truth at all regardless of the consequences.
  • Christians learn to remain faithful through difficult times.

4.         (a) Five symbolic acts used by Prophet Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s judgement and     punishment to the Israelites                                                                                                           

  1. Buying new linen waist cloth and burying it in a cleft of the rock (Jeremiah 13:1-11)
  2. Jeremiah w as not to marry(Jer 16:1-18)
  3. The reworking (remoulding) of the vessels by the potter (Jer 18:1-17)
  4. The breaking of the earthen flask before the elders (Jer 19:1-15)
  5. He was shown two baskets of figs .one with good figs and the other with
  6.  bad figs(Jer24:1-10)
  7. Wearing of the yoke (Jer27:1-15)                                                                  

(b) Explain Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant          

  1. The law will be written on people’s heart and not on stones tablets
  2. The new covenant will be between an individuals and God/personal salvation/relationship
  3. There will be individual’s responsibility/punishment for those who sin
  4. The covenant will be everlasting
  5. It will be universal
  6. There will be forgiveness of sins/they will not be remembered.
  7. The new covenant will be fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ      

(c) Five lessons that Christians learn fro Prophet Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant

  1. Christians should internalize the law of God/put laws of God in their hearts
  2. They should have personal relationship with God/know God personally.
  3. There is individual responsibility/punishment when one sins
  4. There is forgiveness of sins if one repents/reconciliation.
  5. Christians have everlasting relationship with God
  6. Those who repent their sins have a new beginning
  7. They need to have faith in God
  8. They should obey/practice the law of God
  9. Christians learn that the new covenant is fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ

5.         a) Seven evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah in the temple sermon.                    

  1. Hypocrisy in worship/insincere worship
  2. Syncretism
  3. Idolatry/worship of false gods
  4. Pride/false security in the temple
  5. Human sacrifices
  6. Stealing/Robbery
  7. Adultery/incest
  8. Telling lies/dishonesty            

 b) Four similarities in the life and experiences of Nehemiah and Jesus Christ.

  1. Both purified the temple
  2. Both  led prayerful lives
  3. Both had compassion for the people/ weak /poor
  4. Both were reformers
  5. Both led exemplary live/holy lives
  6. Both came to restore the worship between God and the people
  7. Both faced opposition in their ministry from close relative.

 c) A Christians can show respect to God’s places of worship by                            

  1. Giving church offering
  2. Contributing to the establishment and maintenance of their church building
  3. Keeping the places of worship (church) clean.
  4. Respecting the church leaders
  5. Attending worship sessions
  6. By condemning evil particles committed in church.

6.          (a) The factors which contributed to Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations                     

  • Rejected by his own family and relatives
  • Accused of Blasphemy when he  predicted the destruction f the temple
  • he received death threats because of prophesizing on the destruction of the temple
  • He suffered isolation by being stopped to marry/go for weddings/funerals
  • He had a personal conflict in his heart because he was disappointed by the people he loved
  • He experienced deep trials of faith as to why God delayed to act on his prophecy/mocked by his people
  • He suffered the physical assault/imprisonment/beaten by priests of Judah
  • he was locked in his courtyard where he was fed by bread  

(b) Seven challenges that modern Christian face in their struggle to condemn social

                  injustices in the society today                                                                                                      

  • Rejection
  • Persecution/torture/abuse/mock
  • imprisonment
  • Threats concerning their lives
  • Hatred
  • Opposition/internal wrangles from fellow Christians
  • Poverty
  • Modern science and technology
  • Eviction          

7.         Seven features of the new covenant as foreseen by Prophet Jeremiah                     

  1. It would renew the brogans worship between God and his people (Israelites)
  2. The laws would be written to people’s hearts
  3. Every person would know God personally/ individually but not through mediator
  4. It would be everlasting/ wont be broken
  5. Each person to be responsible for his/ her sins
  6. It would be established after God’s punishment of Israel
  7. It would establish a new Israel and they would have personal knowledge of God
  8. It would establish a new beginning/ a second exodus after God has restored them from exile
  9. It was to be initiated by God hence people were to obey God    

8.         a) The characteristics of the new covenant as foreseen by prophet Jeremiah                      

  1. The covenant was to be made between God and the Israelites
  2. People were going to accept God as a God of justice
  3. It was going to be a personal covenant between God and each individual
  4. In the new covenant, God’s law would be written on people’s hearts
  5. Everyone was to be responsible for his sins
  6. There would be no need of a mediator in the new covenant
  7. God was going to forgive people’s sins                                                   

b)  Ways in which the covenant foretold by Jeremiah is different from the Sinaic  covenant  

  1. In Jeremiah’s new covenant, laws were to be written in men’s hearts whereas in Sinaic covenant laws were written ion stone tablets
  2. The sinaic covenant had repeatedly failed, Jeremiah’s would not
  3. In Jeremiah’s covenant, there would be personal knowledge of God while in Sinaic, there was need for a mediator
  4. In the new covenant there would be spontaneous forgiveness of sins, whereas in the old covenant, sins were carried forward to the next generation
  5. In the new covenant, there would be personal responsibility for sin while in old, there was collective responsibility
  6. The Sinaic covenant was meant for one nation (Israel) while that of Jeremiah was for all mankind                                                                                                     

c) Ways which Jesus fulfill the New covenant foretold by Jeremiah                         

  1. He began anew people (Christian)
  2. He gave them a new will, a new spirit and a new heart
  3. Through him, the whole Christian community has known God
  4. They can get forgiveness through Christ
  5. God dwells in people’s hearts
  6. Through him, people have a personal knowledge of God
  7. He inaugurated the new covenant at the last supper sealed by his blood on the cross, his blood washed away people’s sins
  8. On the day he died, the curtain tore into two enabling people to have a direct link with the father                                

9          (a) Four reforms King Josiah made in Judah during the time of prophet     Jeremiah         KSM

i) He abolished Baal worship

ii) He ordered the repair of the temple of God

iii) He burnt foreign objects in the temple

iv) He led a national ceremony to renew the covenant faith

v) Child sacrifice was stopped

vi) Temple prostitution was stopped

vii) He discontinued consultation of mediums

viii) Passover feast was reinstated                            

(b) Five reasons why Jeremiah condemned necromancy in Judah  

i) It indicated lack of faith in God

ii) It gave false messages which did not come from God

iii) It was a form of deception that led people away from God

iv) It polluted the true worship of God

v) It showed lack of knowledge of one God

vi) It brought Gods punishment upon people                        

(c) Modern leaders learn from Jeremiah’s sermon in the temple;

i) Christians need to have a personal relationship with god

ii) Christians should rely on god rather than consulting spirits

iii) Christians should condemn idolatry.

iv) Christians should avoid false prophets

v) Christians should condemn destruction of life

vi) Priests and church leaders should be firm in their faith.             

10        (a) What made Jeremiah to give the temple sermon  ;                                                     

  • There was worship of idols and offering sacrifices to hem
  • Oppression and exploitation of the poor, such as widows and orphans
  • Engaging in insincere worship by worshipping God alongside idols.
  • Rejecting the teaching of the Prophets
  • Dishonesty
  • Social injustices e.g. committing adultery, murder, theft
  • Rebellion against Yahweh
  • Defilement of the temple by placing idols there and worshipping them

      (b) – Letter to the exiles

  • Bought a field
  • Vision of two basket figs
  • New covenant
  • Wooden ox-yoke removed
  • Message of hope
  • Personal/life

      (c) What Christians can do to avoid God’s punishment

  • Obeying God’s commandments
  • Preaching the good news of Jesus to others
  • Condemning all evils in society
  • Responding God’s call to serve others
  • Assisting the needy and the disadvantaged
  • Praying
  • Avoiding being tempted
  • Repenting their sins
  • Live exemplary lives/be role models
  • Ask for guidance from the Holy spirit

11.       (a) The characteristics of the New covenant as foreseen by Jeremiah the Prophet are:-

  • The law would be enshrined in people’s hearts
  • There would be personal knowledge of God
  • There would be spontaneous forgiveness of sins
  • There would be personal responsibility
  • It would bring a new community of God’s people
  • God would take an initiative of establishing a covenant
  • The new community would be ruled by the righteous one from Davidic family/dynasty
  • The Israelites would be given a new heart
  • This covenant would be an everlasting one/would not be broken
  • It would mark a new beginning/ a new era         

(b) Evils that Prophet Jeremiah would condemn in Kenya today are;

  • Idolatry
  • Sexual immorality
  • Struggle for power
  • Corruption/bribery
  • Exploitation of the poor by the rich
  • Devil worshipping
  • Desire for wealth/materialism

12.       a) Four symbolic acts used by prophets Jeremiah to demonstrate God’s

                Judgements and punishment to the Israelites                                                                                   

  • Buying a  new linen  waist cloth  and  burying  it in a cleft  of  the  rock (jer.13:1-11)
  • Jeremiah was not  to  marry (jer16:1-18)
  • The  reworking  of  the  vessels  by  The  potter (jer.18:1-17)
  • The breaking  of the  earthen flask  before  the  elders  at mount  Hinnom(jer19:1-15)
  • He was  shown  the  basket of  figs, one  with  good figs  and  another  with  bad  figs (jer24:1-10)
  • Wearing  of the  yoke (jer27:1-15)

b) The relevance of Jeremiah’s suffering and lamentations to Christians today                

  • Christians learn  not to  lose  hope in times  of  difficulty
  • Christens  learn  to be  firm  in  telling  the  truth
  • They  learn  the  importance  of  obeying  Christ  by  putting  God  first
  • They learn  to  trust in God  and  pray  constantly
  • They learn that  persecution  is  the price  for  being  committed  as a  disciple  of  Christ
  • Christians learn to trust  in God  and  pray  constantly

13.       The message contained in Jeremiah’s letter to the Israelites exiled in Babylon

  • To build houses and settle down
  • To plant gardens and eat their produce
  • To take wives and love sons and daughters
  • To allow their sons to marry
  • To live in peace in Babylon
  • To pray for the welfare of their masters
  • Not to listen to false prophets and diviners who will cheat them
  • God will restore them back to their land after 70 years of exile
  • God will punish Babylonians their oppressors
  • God will punish the false prophets who were telling lies
  • God will answer their prayers when they call upon them           

14.       a) Reasons for Jeremiah’s Sermon at the Temple gate.                                                        

  • King Jehoiakim shed innocent blood despite the advice from prophets.
  • Israelites continued with Baal worship.
  • Israelites practiced idolatry.
  • Pagan gods and idols were put in the temple.
  • People were hypocritical in their worship.
  • Israelites made sacrifices to idols.
  • There was moral decay among the Israelites.
  • Israelites allowed false prophets to thrive.
  • There was widespread oppression and exploitation of the poor.
  • The false belief about the temple.
  • Widespread social injustice.

b) The problems prophet Jeremiah encountered in his Ministry                                           

  • Was rejected by his family and relatives.
  • Was accused falsely.
  • Israelites rejected his message (refused to repent)
  • Faced death threats
  • He suffered loneliness and solitude.
  • The scroll was burnt by King Jehoakim.
  • He was beaten by court officials.
  • Was banned from going to the temple.
  • Was referred to as a traitor and insulted mocked and ridiculed.
  • Was imprisoned.
  • Had difficulties in convincing the people that this message was true.
  • Went through spiritual struggle in his relationship with God.                                        

c) Five lessons that Christians can learn from Jeremiah’s teaching on evil and false              


  • Need to have a personal relationship with God instead of mere outward show of religion.
  • There are true and false prophets.
  • Human sacrifice is evil and does not wipe out sins.
  • Christians should have courage and be firm in their principles when faced with opposition.
  • They should be truthful and faithful in their vocations.
  • They should condemn all sorts of evil in society.
  • They should be governed by laws of God.
  • They should condemn destruction of human life and violence in general           

15.       .a) The issues Jeremiah address in his letter to the exiles                                                    

  1. To build hoses and live in them
  2. Plant gardens and eat their produce
  3. Marry and have children
  4. Live in peace and promote the welfare of the cities they live in
  5. Pray for their masters
  6. Not to listen to the words of false prophets and diviners
  7. God could restore them back to their land after seventy years
  8. To trust God and not give up
  9. God was accessible to them even in Babylon
  10. God would punish those who had remained in Judah for failing to listen to him

 b) 8 reasons why the temple of Jerusalem was considered an important place for the Israelites

  1. It symbolized the presence of God
  2. It was a place of worship e.g. offering sacrifices, dedication of their first borns,
  3. Home of priests
  4. Annual religious festivals were celebrated in the temple
  5. It was a learning centre- teachers of the law were taught in the temple
  6. Purification of mothers
  7. Ark of the covenant was kept in the temple
  8. Acted s a court where cases were handled                                                                

c) Ways in which Christians use print media to spread the gospel

  1. Publishing  Christians literature
  2. Distributing Christian literature free
  3. Reading the Bible and other Christian literature
  4. Using Biblical stories to produce Christian programmes in electronic media
  5. Teaching using CRE text books
  6. Selling Christian literature to institutional and public

Advertising Christians issues in the newspaper                                

16.       a) How God showed concern for the Israelites through prophet Jeremiah                

  1. He warned the people against evils in the temples sermon
  2. He foretells of a new covenant
  3. He bought a piece of land to show restoration of the people
  4. He talked of the future after exile
  5. He told people to repent so that God can withdraw the punishment
  6. In his call, God told him that he will see nations destroyed, rebuilt and restored
  7. In the vision of figs, he saw the remnants of God’s good people            

b) Prophet Jeremiah’s teaching on dishonesty

  1. He condemned false prophets who gave false hope to the people, yet Yahweh had not sent them
  2. He condemned priests who preached lies to people and did not tell them the truth about God’s Judgement
  3. He condemned people who cheated others that they were friends but planned evil behind their back
  4. He observed that the prophets of Jerusalem had become as bad as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their evil deeds such as lies and immorality
  5. He was concerned with the response of the people of Judah to the lies of priests and prophets, they accepted them without question
  6. The priests and the people of Judah were dishonest in the way they worshipped God because their outward ritual did not match their inner piety
  7. Jeremiah told the people of Judah that God would reject them because of their dishonesty in worship
  8. He condemned them for giving Yahweh meaningless sacrifices        

17.       a) Five virtues related to work                                                                                              

  1. Diligence- commitment/ hard work/ thorough effort on ones work
  2. Honesty/ integrity- truthful adjust doing quality work
  3. Faithfulness- Being loyal/ trustworthy by performing duty well at the right time according to contract signed
  4.  Responsibility- being accountable/ working thoroughly without supervision
  5. Loyalty- Being faithful to employer, colleagues and organization
  6. Tolerance- Bearing with other people weaknesses/ harsh conditions/ decisions made by employer and some behaviors of the other workers though not accepting what is evil like stealing

 b) Why child labor is morally wrong

  1. Children are gifts from God and should not be oppressed
  2. Retards child growth/ development
  3. Child may not develop talents
  4. Makes child negative towards work
  5. Shows parents irresponsibility
  6. Denies formal education
  7. Leads to loss of human dignity
  8. Promotes poverty which is a social evil
  9. Leads to exploitation through underpayment and overworking                          

 c) Ways in which Christians spend their leisure to glorify God

  1. Worshipping God by praying/ singing/ reading the bible
  2. Doing works of charity e.g. visiting the sick/ old/ poor/ disabled
  3. Fellowship/ sharing with other Christians
  4. Relaxing with family and friends
  5. In evangelization/ spreading/ preaching the word of God
  6. Reading/ physical exercises for self- fulfillment
  7. Development of community/ church                                                        

(e) Nehemiah

1.         a) How Nehemiah restore independence of Israelites through religious reforms                  

  1. He cleansed the temple by expelling tobiah
  2. He restored the Levites to their rightful duties
  3. He stopped the Israelites from marrying foreigners
  4. He reinstated the true worship on the Sabbath by abolishing business activities
  5. He led the people in the renewal of the covenant
  6. He improved their tithing system
  7. He gave the singers their rightful position in the temple
  8. He purified the priests and the people as a sign of making them fit for gods service           

2.         (a) 8  occasions in which Nehemiah prayed to justify his needs in Judah    

  • When he received report from Hanani about the condition of the Jerusalem wall and oppression of his people
  • Before expressing his sorrow and sadness to King Artexexes,
  • When Tobiah/Sanballet and other enemies discouraged the workers at the temple not to build the wall
  • When he donated his dues to the needy in society, he wanted God to reward him
  • When Sanballet/Tobiah and Geshem threatened to harm him
  • When Shemiah attempted to frighten him to hide in the temple
  • After cleansing the temple
  • After warning people of Judah against violating the Sabbath
  • After chasing away the son-in-law of Sanballat
  • After cleansing the Israelites from mixing with foreigners
  • When he learnt of the conspiracy to invade Judah                

(b) The socio-economic problems that Nehemiah faced as the Governor of Judah

                  after completing the wall of Jerusalem                                                                                        

  • Mortgage their children as tithe deeds (security) to buy food
  • Mortgaging of their field /vineyard houses to get grain during femine
  • Giving out of their fields /children as slaves to pay the Kings tax
  • During famine people could pay high prices for emperors
  • There was a rapid increase in population leading to economic crisis
  • Borrowing of loan and paying back at a high interest rates
  • Daughters were sold off to creditors
  • Cost of building the wall brought huge debt, that forced Nehemiah to allow forced labor to pay tax      

(c) 6 good qualities in Nehemiah which can help modern leaders in Church and

                 society to Execute good leadership today                                                                         

  • Diplomacy
  • Faith and trust in God
  • Courage and Bravery
  • Leaders to sacrifice for the well being of others
  • Leaders should have ability to mobilize his people for effective development
  • Leaders should be honest
  • Leaders should be initiative
  • Leaders should show love/compassion
  • Leaders should understand their people through interacting with them freely         

3.         a) Problems experienced by Nehemiah as governor of Judah

  1. Opposition to the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem
  2. Opposition from Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem
  3. Plots against Nehemiah’s life by Sanballat and Tobiah
  4. Accusations of treason against the emperor of Persia by Tobiah and Sanballat
  5. The rebuilding project was ridiculed by Sanballat
  6. The Jew’s were despised by their enemies as a minority and hence harassed
  7. Prophet Shemiah was to force Nehemiah to commit sacrilege by hiding in the temple
  8. There was poverty and famine in Judah
  9. The wealthy land owners exploited the poor
  10. People were heavily taxed in order to finance the rebuilding of the wall and to pay the Kings fat
  11. People took loans in order to pay tax and paid interest on it contrary to the Mosaic law which demanded that the poor people of Israel should not be charged interest on loans

b) Lessons a Christian leader can learn from the problems faced by Nehemiah

  1. They should be prepared to face opposition as they  preach the gospel
  2. They should have faith in God and persevere as they carry out their duties
  3. They should fight for the rights of the poor in the society and their wealth to benefit others
  4. They should learn how to correct wrong doers
  5. They should learn to condemn all forms of injustice e.g. corruption
  6. They should be ready to forgo their personal interests for the sake of God’s kingdom

4.         (a) Dedication of the wall of Jerusalem                                                                                

  • When the wall was completed the Jews were overjoyed.
  • Nehemiah invited Levites who were custodian of Israelites religion.
  • He also invited Priests, political leaders and the Israelites
  • Singers were also invited & they came with cymbals, harps & lyres
  • Priests &Levites purified themselves, the people,
  • The gates and the walls were also purified
  • Nehemiah brought leaders (Princes) of Judah upon the wall he then appointed two groups who gave thanks and then went into a procession
  • 1st group led by Ezra went t the wall to the right
  • The 2nd group went to the left
  • Two groups finally converged at the temple, where there was singing, sacrifices & rejoicing
  • Nehemiah then chose people to be in-charge of tithes, offerings and contributions & ensure they are handled well
  • The city was once more seen as the city of God

(b) Similarities between Jesus & Nehemiah

  • Both were prayerful thy prayed for strength and courage when they faced challenges
  • Both had good leadership qualities and courage, Jesus on the other hand courageously withstood hostilities
  • Both cared for the needy
  • Both condemned evil & injustices in society
  • Both encourage repentance & forgiveness of sins (Nehemiah during renewal of the covenant, Jesus , in his parables)

5.         Five teachings Christians can learn about patriotism from the characters of   Nehemiah

  • They should have great love for their country
  • They should participate in developments projects of their country as Nehemiah did
  • They should be mindful of the welfare of other citizens and cater for their needs
  • They should promote justice as  Nehemiah condemned those who exploited the poor
  • They should be ready to defend their country in event of external aggression
  • They should defend the values of their country and avoid bad foreign influence
  • They should be law binding citizens and respect the constitution of the country
  • They should pay taxes promptly to enhance development
  • They should recognize and respect public national days like Nehemiah did for Sabbath

They should participate in national elections by praying and choosing good leaders