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There are over 100 elements so far discovered. Scientists have tried to group them together in a periodic table.

 A periodic table is a horizontal and vertical arrangement of elements according to their atomic numbers.

This table was successfully arranged in 1913 by the British scientist Henry Moseley from the previous work of the Russian Scientist Dmitri Mendeleev.

The horizontal arrangement forms period. Atoms in the same period have the same the same number of energy levels in their electronic structure. i.e.

The number of energy levels in the electronic configuration of an element determine the period to which the element is in the periodic table.


Which period of the periodic table are the following isotopes/elements/atoms?

  1. 126C

Electron structure 2:4 => 2 energy levels used thus Period 2

  • 2311Na

Electron structure 2:8:1 => 3 energy levels used thus Period 3

  • 3919K

Electron structure 2:8:8:1 => 4 energy levels used thus Period 4

  • 11H

Electron structure 1: => 1 energy level used thus Period 1

The vertical arrangement of elements forms a group. Atoms in the same have the same the same group have the same number of outer energy level electrons as per their electronic structure. i.e.

The number of electrons in the outer energy level an element determine the group to which the element is, in the periodic table.

  1. 126C

Electron structure 2:4 => 4 electrons in outer energy level thus Group IV

  • 2311C

Electron structure 2:8:1 => 1 electron in outer energy level thus Group I

  • 3919K

Electron structure 2:8:8:1=>1 electron in outer energy level thus Group I

  • 11H

Electron structure 1: => 1 electron in outer energy level thus Group I

By convention;

 (i)Periods are named using English numerals 1, 2, 3, 4

           (ii)Groups are named using Roman numerals I, II, III, IV

There are eighteen groups in a standard periodic table. There are seven periods in a standard periodic table

When an atom has maximum number of electrons in its outer energy level, it is said to be stable.

 When an atom has no maximum number of electrons in its outer energy level, it is said to be unstable.

 All stable atoms are in group 8/18 of the periodic table.All other elements are unstable.

All unstable atoms/isotopes try to be stable through chemical reactions. A chemical reaction involves gaining or losing outer electrons (electron transfer) .When electron transfer take place, an ion is formed.

An ion is formed when an unstable atom gain or donate electrons in its outer energy level in order to be stable. Whether an atom gain or donate electrons depend on the relative energy required to donate or gain extra electrons i.e.


  1. 199 F has electronic structure/configuration 2:7.

 It can donate the seven outer electrons to have stable electronic structure/configuration 2:.

It can gain one extra electron to have stable electronic structure/configuration 2:8. Gaining requires less energy, and thus Fluorine reacts by gaining one extra electrons.

  •  2313 Al has electronic structure/configuration 2:8:3

It can donate the three outer electrons to have stable electronic structure/configuration 2:8.

It can gain five extra electrons to have stable electronic structure/configuration 2:8:8. Donating requires less energy, and thus Aluminium reacts by donating its three outer electrons.

Elements with less than four electrons in the outer energy level donates /lose the outer electrons to be stable and form a positively charged ion called cation.

A cation therefore has more protons (positive charge) than electrons (negative charge)

 Generally metals usually form cation

Elements with more than four electrons in the outer energy level gain /acquire extra electrons in the outer energy level to be stable and form a negatively charged ion called anion.

An anion therefore has fewer protons (positive charge) than electrons (negative charge)

Generally non metals usually form anion. Except Hydrogen

The charge carried by an ion is equal to the number of electrons gained/acquired or donated/lost.

Examples of ion formation


       H          ->             H+                +                   e

     (atom)   (monovalent cation)       (electrons donated/lost)

Electronic configuration 1:               (No electrons remains)

2. 2713 Al

Al                ->                Al3+             +                 3e

                 (atom)                            (trivalent cation)  (3 electrons donated/lost)

Electron    2:8:3                                2:8

structure   (unstable)                     (stable)

3. 2311 Na

Na               ->                Na+             +                 e

                 (atom)                            (cation)          ( 1 electrons donated/lost)

Electron    2:8:1                                2:8

structure   (unstable)                     (stable)

4. 2412Mg

Mg              ->                Mg2+           +                 2e

                 (atom)                            (cation)          ( 2 electrons donated/lost)

Electron    2:8:1                                2:8

structure   (unstable)                     (stable)

5. 168O

O       +                2e                     ->                  O2-                  

                 (atom)            ( 2 electrons gained/acquired)      (anion)

Electron    2:6                                                                     2:8

structure   (unstable)                                                     (stable)

6. 147N

N       +                3e                     ->                  N3-                  

                 (atom)            ( 3 electrons gained/acquired)      (anion)

Electron    2:5                                                                     2:8

structure   (unstable)                                                     (stable)

7. 3115P

P        +                3e                     ->                  P3-                  

                 (atom)            ( 3 electrons gained/acquired)      (anion)

Electron    2:5                                                                     2:8

structure   (unstable)                                                     (stable)

8. 199F

F        +                e                     ->                    F          

                 (atom)            ( 1 electrons gained/acquired)      (anion)

Electron    2:7                                                                     2:8

structure   (unstable)                                                     (stable)

9. 3517Cl

Cl      +                e                     ->                    Cl                   

                 (atom)            ( 1 electrons gained/acquired)      (anion)

Electron    2:8:7                                                                  2:8:8

structure   (unstable)                                                     (stable)

3. 3919 K

K                 ->                K+                +                 e

                 (atom)                            (cation)          ( 1 electrons donated/lost)

Electron    2:8:8:1                             2:8:8

structure   (unstable)                     (stable)

When an element donates/loses its outer electrons, the process is called oxidation. When an element acquires/gains extra electrons in its outer energy level, the process is called reduction. The charge carried by an atom, cation or anion is its oxidation state.

Table showing the oxidation states of some isotopes

ElementSymbol of element / isotopesCharge of ionOxidation state
Hydrogen11H 21H(deuterium) 31H(Tritium)H+ H+ H++1 +1 +1
Chlorine3517Cl 3717Cl                         Cl Cl  -1 -1
Potassium3919K 4019K 4119K  K+ K+ K+  +1 +1 +1
Oxygen168O 188O  O2- O2-  -2 -2  
Magnesium2412MgMg2+  +2
sodium2311NaNa+  +1
CopperCuCu+ Cu2++1 +2
Iron Fe2+ Fe3++2 +3
Lead Pb2+ Pb4++2 +4
Manganese Mn2+ Mn7++2 +7
Chromium Cr3+ Cr6++3 +6
Sulphur S4+ S6++4 +6
Carbon C2+ C4++2 +4


Some elements can exist in more than one oxidation state. They are said to have variable oxidation state.

Roman capital numeral is used to indicate the oxidation state of an element with a variable oxidation state in a compound.


  • Copper (I) means Cu+ as in Copper(I)oxide
  • Copper (II) means Cu2+ as in Copper(II)oxide
  • Iron (II) means Fe2+ as in Iron(II)sulphide

(iv)    Iron (III) means Fe3+ as in Iron(III)chloride

  • Sulphur(VI)mean S6+ as in Iron(III)sulphate(VI)
  • Sulphur(VI)mean S6+ as in sulphur(VI)oxide
  • Sulphur(IV)mean S4+ as in sulphur(IV)oxide
  • Sulphur(IV)mean S4+ as in sodium sulphate(IV)

(ix)    Carbon(IV)mean C4+ as in carbon(IV)oxide

(x)     Carbon(IV)mean C4+ as in Lead(II)carbonate(IV)

(xi)    Carbon(II)mean C2+ as in carbon(II)oxide

(xii)   Manganese(IV)mean Mn4+ as in Manganese(IV)oxide

A compound is a combination of two or more elements in fixed proportions. The   ratio of the atoms making a compound is called the chemical formulae. Elements combine together to form a compound depending on their combining power.

 The combining power of atoms in an element is called Valency. Valency of an element is equal to the number of:

          (i) Hydrogen atoms that an atom of element can combine with or displace.

 (ii) Electrons gained /acquired in outer energy level by non metals to be   stable/attain duplet/octet.

(iii) Electrons donated/lost by outer energy level of metals to be stable/attain octet/duplet.

(iv) Charges carried by ions/cations/ions

Group of atoms that react as a unit during chemical reactions are called radicals. Elements with variable oxidation state also have more than one valency.

Table showing the valency of common radicals

Radical nameChemical formulaeCombining power / Valency
AmmoniumNH4 +1
Nitrate(V)NO3 1
Hydrogen carbonateHCO31
Hydrogen sulphate(VI)HSO41
Hydrogen sulphate(IV)HSO31

Table showing the valency of some common metal and non metals

Element/metalValencyElement/non metalValency  
Iron2 and 3  
Copper1 and 2  
Manganese2 and 4  
Lead2 and 4  

From the valency of elements, the chemical formular of a compound can be derived using the following procedure:

          (i)Identify the elements and radicals making the compound

(ii)Write the symbol/formular of the elements making the compound     starting with the metallic element

          (iii)Assign the valency of each element /radical as superscript.

          (iv)Interchange/exchange the valencies of each element as subscript.

(v)Divide by the smallest/lowest valency to derive the smallest whole number ratios

Ignore a valency of 1.

This is the chemical formula.

 Practice examples

Write the chemical formula of

 (a)Aluminium oxide

Elements making compoundAluminiumOxygen
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundAlO
Assign valencies as superscriptAl3O2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptAl2O3
Divide by smallest valency to get whole number

Chemical formula of Aluminium oxide is thus: Al2 O3

This means: 2atoms of Aluminium combine with 3 atoms of Oxygen

(b)Sodium oxide

Elements making compoundSodiumOxygen
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundNaO
Assign valencies as superscriptNa1O2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptNa2O1
Divide by smallest valency to get whole number

Chemical formula of Sodium oxide is thus: Na2 O

This means: 2atoms of Sodium combine with 1 atom of Oxygen

(c)Calcium oxide

Elements making compoundCalciumOxygen
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundCaO
Assign valencies as superscriptCa2O2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptCa2O2
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratioCa1O1

Chemical formula of Calcium oxide is thus: CaO

This means: 1 atom of calcium combine with 1 atom of Oxygen.

(d)Lead (IV) oxide

Elements making compoundLeadOxygen
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundPbO
Assign valencies as superscriptPb4O2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptPb2O4
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratioPb1O2

Chemical formula of Lead (IV) oxide is thus: PbO2

This means: 1 atom of lead combine with 2 atoms of Oxygen.

(e)Lead (II) oxide

Elements making compoundLeadOxygen
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundPbO
Assign valencies as superscriptPb2O2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptPb2O2
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratioPb1O1

Chemical formula of Lead (II) oxide is thus: PbO

This means: 1 atom of lead combine with 1 atom of Oxygen.

(e)Iron (III) oxide

Elements making compoundIronOxygen
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundFeO
Assign valencies as superscriptFe3O2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptFe2O3
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratio

Chemical formula of Iron(III) oxide is thus: Fe2O3

This means: 2 atom of lead combine with 3 atom of Oxygen.

(f)Iron (II) sulphate (VI)

Elements making compoundIronsulphate(VI)
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundFeSO4
Assign valencies as superscriptFe2SO4 2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptFe2SO4  2
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratioFe1SO4  1

Chemical formula of Iron (II) sulphate (VI) is thus: FeSO4

This means: 1 atom of Iron combine with 1 sulphate (VI) radical.

(g)Copper (II) sulphate (VI)

Elements making compoundCoppersulphate(VI)
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundCuSO4
Assign valencies as superscriptCu2SO4 2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptCu2SO4  2
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratioCu1SO4  1

Chemical formula of Cu(II)sulphate(VI) is thus: CuSO4

This means: 1 atom of Copper combine with 1 sulphate (VI) radical.

(h)Aluminium sulphate (VI)

Elements making compoundAluminiumsulphate(VI)
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundAlSO4
Assign valencies as superscriptAl3SO4 2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptAl2SO4  3
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratio

Chemical formula of Aluminium sulphate (VI) is thus: Al2(SO4)3

This means: 2 atom of Aluminium combine with 3 sulphate (VI) radical.

(i)Aluminium nitrate (V)

Elements making compoundAluminiumnitrate(V)
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundAlNO3
Assign valencies as superscriptAl3NO3 1
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptAl1NO3  3
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratio

Chemical formula of Aluminium sulphate (VI) is thus: Al (NO3)3

This means: 1 atom of Aluminium combine with 3 nitrate (V) radical.

(j)Potassium manganate (VII)

Elements making compoundPotassiummanganate(VII)
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundKMnO4
Assign valencies as superscriptK 1MnO4 1
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptK1MnO4 1
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratio

Chemical formula of Potassium manganate (VII) is thus: KMnO4

This means: 1 atom of Potassium combine with 4 manganate (VII) radical.

(k)Sodium dichromate (VI)

Elements making compoundSodiumdichromate(VI)
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundNaCr2O7
Assign valencies as superscriptNa 1Cr2O7 2
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptNa2Cr2O7 1
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratio

Chemical formula of Sodium dichromate (VI) is thus: Na2 Cr2O7

This means: 2 atom of Sodium combine with 1 dichromate (VI) radical.

(l)Calcium hydrogen carbonate

Elements making compoundCalciumHydrogen carbonate
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundCaCO3
Assign valencies as superscriptCa 2HCO3 1
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptCa1HCO3  2
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratio

Chemical formula of Calcium hydrogen carbonate is thus: Ca (HCO3)2

This means: 1 atom of Calcium combine with 2 hydrogen carbonate radical.

(l)Magnesium hydrogen sulphate (VI)

Elements making compoundMagnesiumHydrogen sulphate(VI)
Symbol of elements/radicals in compoundMgHSO4
Assign valencies as superscriptMg 2HSO4 1
Exchange/Interchange the valencies as subscriptMg1HSO4  2
Divide by two to get smallest whole number ratio

Chemical formula of Magnesium hydrogen sulphate (VI) is thus: Mg (HSO4)2

This means: 1 atom of Magnesium combine with 2 hydrogen sulphate (VI) radical.

Compounds are formed from chemical reactions. A chemical reaction is formed when atoms of the reactants break free to bond again and form products. A chemical reaction is a statement showing the movement of reactants to form products. The following procedure is used in writing chemical equations:

1. Write the word equation

2. Write the correct chemical formula for each of the reactants and products

3. Check if the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of each element on the product side.

4. Multiply the chemical formula containing the unbalanced atoms with the lowest common multiple if the number of atoms on one side is not equal. This is called balancing.

 Do not change the chemical formula of the products/reactants.

5. Assign in brackets, the physical state/state symbols of the reactants and products after each chemical formula as:

(i) (s) for solids

(ii) (l) for liquids

(iii) (g) for gas

(iv) (aq) for aqueous/dissolved in water to make a solution.

Practice examples

Write a balanced chemical equation for the following

  • Hydrogen gas is prepared from reacting Zinc granules with dilute hydrochloric acid.


1. Write the word equation

Zinc + Hydrochloric acid -> Zinc chloride + hydrogen gas

     2. Write the correct chemical formula for each of the reactants and products

          Zn      +        HCl             ->      ZnCl2          +        H2

      3. Check if the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of each element on the product side.

      Number of atoms of Zn on the reactant side is equal to product side

     One atom of H in HCl on the reactant side is not equal to two atoms in H2 on product side.

      One atom of Cl in HCl on the reactant side is not equal to two atoms in ZnCl2 on product side.

       4. Multiply the chemical formula containing the unbalanced atoms with the lowest common multiple if the number of atoms on one side is not equal.

    Multiply  HCl by “2” to get “2” Hydrogen and “2” Chlorine on product and reactant side.

Zn      +        2 HCl          ->      ZnCl2          +        H2

     5. Assign in brackets, the physical state/state symbols .

 Zn(s)          +        2 HCl(aq)             ->      ZnCl2 (aq)   +        H2(g)

  • Oxygen gas is prepared from decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide solution to water


1. Write the word equation

Hydrogen peroxide -> Water + oxygen gas

     2. Write the correct chemical formula for each of the reactants and products

          H2O2           ->      H2O            +        O2

      3. Check if the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of each element on the product side.

      Number of atoms of H on the reactant side is equal to product side

     Two atom of O in H2O2 on the reactant side is not equal to three atoms (one in H2O and two in O2) on product side.

             4. Multiply the chemical formula containing the unbalanced atoms with the lowest common multiple if the number of atoms on one side is not equal.

    Multiply  H2O2 by “2” to get “4” Hydrogen and “4” Oxygen on reactants

    Multiply  H2O by “2” to get “4” Hydrogen and “2” Oxygen on product side

   When the “2” Oxygen in O2 and the“2” in H2O are added on product side they are equal to the“4” Oxygen on reactants side.  

2H2O2                   ->      2H2O          +        O2

     5. Assign in brackets, the physical state/state symbols.

2H2O2(aq)            ->      2H2O(l)                 +        O2(g)

  • Chlorine gas is prepared from Potassium manganate (VII) reacting with hydrochloric acid to form potassium chloride solution, manganese (II) chloride solution, water and chlorine gas.


1. Write the word equation

Potassium manganate (VII) + Hydrochloric acid ->

Potassium chloride + manganese (II) chloride + chlorine +water

     2. Write the correct chemical formula for each of the reactants and products

          KMnO4 + HCl       -> KCl  + MnCl2    +H2O + Cl2

      3. Check if the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of each element on the product side.

      Number of atoms of K and Mn on the reactant side is equal to product side

     Two atom of H in H2O on the product side is not equal to one atom on reactant side.

Four atom of O in KMnO4 is not equal to one in H2O

One atom of Cl in HCl on reactant side is not equal to three (one in H2O and two in Cl2)

             4. Multiply the chemical formula containing the unbalanced atoms with the lowest common multiple if the number of atoms on one side is not equal.

    Multiply HCl by “16” to get “16” Hydrogen and “16” Chlorine on reactants

    Multiply KMnO4by “2” to get “2” Potassium and “2” manganese, “2 x4 =8” Oxygen on reactant side.

Balance the product side to get:

   2 KMnO4 +16 HCl       -> 2 KCl  + 2 MnCl2        +8 H2O       + 5 Cl2

     5. Assign in brackets, the physical state/state symbols.

2KMnO4(s) +16 HCl(aq)-> 2 KCl (aq) + 2MnCl2(aq)+8 H2O(l)+5 Cl2(g)

(d)Carbon (IV) oxide gas is prepared from Calcium carbonate reacting with hydrochloric acid to form calcium chloride solution, water and carbon (IV) oxide gas.


1. Write the word equation

Calcium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid ->

Calcium chloride solution+ water +carbon (IV)oxide

     2. Write the correct chemical formula for each of the reactants and products

          CaCO3 + HCl         -> CaCl2      +H2O + CO2

      3. Check if the number of atoms of each element on the reactant side is equal to the number of atoms of each element on the product side.

            4. Multiply the chemical formula containing the unbalanced atoms with the lowest common multiple if the number of atoms on one side is not equal.

         5. Assign in brackets, the physical state/state symbols.

           CaCO3(s)   +    2 HCl(aq)  ->   CaCl2(aq)  +  H2O(l)  +   CO2(g)

(d)Sodium hydroxide solution neutralizes hydrochloric acid to form salt and water.

NaOH(aq)   +     HCl(aq)  ->   NaCl (aq)  +  H2O(l)

(e)Sodium reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.

2Na(s)   +     2H2O(l)  ->   2NaOH(aq)  +  H2(g)

          (f)Calcium reacts with water to form calcium hydroxide and hydrogen gas

Ca(s)   +     2H2O(l)  ->   Ca(OH)2(aq)  +  H2(g)

          (g)Copper (II) Oxide solid reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form copper (II) chloride and water.

CuO(s)   +     2HCl(aq)  ->   CuCl2(aq)  +  H2O(l)

(h)Hydrogen sulphide reacts with Oxygen to form sulphur (IV) Oxide and water.

                    2H2S(g) + 3O2(g)   ->  2SO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

(i)Magnesium reacts with steam to form Magnesium Oxide and Hydrogen gas.

Mg(s)   +     2H2O(g)  ->   MgO(s)  +  H2(g)

(j)Ethane (C2H6) gas burns in air to form Carbon (IV) Oxide and water.

                             2C2H6(g)  +  7O2(g)  ->  4CO2(g)  +  6H2O(l)

(k)Ethene (C2H4) gas burns in air to form Carbon (IV) Oxide and water.

                             C2H4(g)  +  3O2(g)  ->  2CO2(g)  +  2H2O(l)

(l)Ethyne (C2H2) gas burns in air to form Carbon (IV) Oxide and water.

                             2C2H2(g)  +  5O2(g)  ->  4CO2(g)  +  2H2O(l)

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