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1. Electrolysis is defined simply as the decomposition of a compound by an electric current/electricity.

A compound that is decomposed by an electric current is called an electrolyte. Some electrolytes are weak while others are strong.

2. Strong electrolytes are those that are fully ionized/dissociated into (many) ions.    Common strong electrolytes include:

          (i) All mineral acids

          (ii) All strong alkalis/sodium hydroxide/potassium hydroxide.

          (iii) All soluble salts

3. Weak electrolytes are those that are partially/partly ionized/dissociated into (few) ions.

  Common weak electrolytes include:

          (i) All organic acids

          (ii) All bases except sodium hydroxide/potassium hydroxide.


4. A compound that is not decomposed by an electric current is called non-electrolyte.

 Non-electrolytes are those compounds /substances that exist as molecules and thus cannot ionize/dissociate into (any) ions.

Common non-electrolytes include:

          (i) Most organic solvents (e.g. petrol/paraffin/benzene/methylbenzene/ethanol)

          (ii) All hydrocarbons (alkanes /alkenes/alkynes)

          (iii)Chemicals of life (e.g. proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, starch, sugar)

5. An electrolytes in solid state have fused /joined ions and therefore do not conduct electricity but the ions (cations and anions) are free and mobile in molten and aqueous (solution, dissolved in water) state.

6. During electrolysis, the free ions are attracted to the electrodes.

An electrode is a rod through which current enter and leave the electrolyte during electrolysis.

 An electrode that does not influence/alter the products of electrolysis is called an inert electrode.

 Common inert electrodes include:


          (ii)Carbon graphite

Platinum is not usually used in a school laboratory because it is very expensive. Carbon graphite is easily/readily and cheaply available (from used dry cells).

7. The positive electrode is called Anode. The anode is the electrode through which current enter the electrolyte/electrons leave the electrolyte

8. The negative electrode is called Cathode. The cathode is the electrode through which current leave the electrolyte / electrons enter the electrolyte

9. During the electrolysis, free anions are attracted to the anode where they lose /donate electrons to form neutral atoms/molecules. i.e.

M(l)  ->      M+(l)  +  e  (for cations from molten electrolytes)

M(s)           ->      M+(aq)  +  e  (for cations from electrolytes in aqueous state / solution / dissolved in water)

The neutral atoms /molecules form the products of electrolysis at the anode. This is called discharge at anode

10. During electrolysis, free cations are attracted to the cathode where they gain /accept/acquire electrons to form neutral atoms/molecules.

  X+ (aq) + 2e -> X(s) (for cations from electrolytes in aqueous state / solution / dissolved in water)

2X+ (l) + 2e -> X (l) (for cations from molten electrolytes)

The neutral atoms /molecules form the products of electrolysis at the cathode. This is called discharge at cathode.

11. The below set up shows an electrolytic cell.

12. For a compound /salt containing only two ion/binary salt the products of electrolysis in an electrolytic cell can be determined as in the below examples:

a) To determine the products of electrolysis of molten Lead (II) chloride

(i)Decomposition of electrolyte into free ions;

          PbCl2 (l)        ->   Pb 2+ (l) +    2Cl(l)

(Compound decomposed into free cation and anion in liquid state)

(ii)At the cathode/negative electrode (-);

           Pb 2+ (l)    +      2e     ->    Pb (l)

(Cation / Pb 2+ gains / accepts / acquires electrons to form free atom)

(iii)At the anode/positive electrode (+);

          2Cl(l)      ->    Cl2 (g) +    2e

(Anion / Cldonate/lose electrons to form free atom then agas molecule)

(iv)Products of electrolysis therefore are;

          I. At the cathode grey beads /solid lead metal.

          II.At the anode pale green chlorine gas.

b) To determine the products of electrolysis of molten Zinc bromide

(i)Decomposition of electrolyte into free ions;

          ZnBr2 (l)        ->   Zn 2+ (l) +    2Br(l)

(Compound decomposed into free cation and anion in liquid state)

(ii)At the cathode/negative electrode (-);

           Zn 2+ (l)    +      2e     ->    Zn (l)

(Cation / Zn2+ gains / accepts / acquires electrons to form free atom)

(iii)At the anode/positive electrode (+);

          2Br(l)      ->    Br2 (g) +    2e

(Anion / Brdonate/lose electrons to form free atom then aliquid molecule whichchange to gas on heating)

(iv)Products of electrolysis therefore are;

          I. At the cathode grey beads /solid Zinc metal.

          II.At the anode red bromine liquid / red/brown bromine gas.

c) To determine the products of electrolysis of molten sodium chloride

(i)Decomposition of electrolyte into free ions;

          NaCl (l)        ->    Na +(l)  +    Cl(l)

(Compound decomposed into free cation and anion in liquid state)

(ii)At the cathode/negative electrode (-);

           2Na+ (l)    +      2e     ->    Na (l)

(Cation / Na+ gains / accepts / acquires electrons to form free atom)

(iii)At the anode/positive electrode (+);

          2Cl(l)      ->    Cl2 (g) +    2e

(Anion / Cldonate/lose electrons to form free atom then agas molecule)

(iv)Products of electrolysis therefore are;

          I. At the cathode grey beads /solid sodium metal.

          II.At the anode pale green chlorine gas.

 d) To determine the products of electrolysis of molten Aluminum (III) oxide

(i)Decomposition of electrolyte into free ions;

          Al2O3 (l)        ->   2Al 3+ (l) +    3O2-(l)

(Compound decomposed into free cation and anion in liquid state)

(ii)At the cathode/negative electrode (-);

          4Al 3+ (l)    +      12e     ->    4Al (l)

(Cation / Al 3+ gains / accepts / acquires electrons to form free atom)

(iii)At the anode/positive electrode (+);

          6O2-(l)      ->    3O2 (g) +    12e

(Anion /6O2- donate/lose 12 electrons to form free atom then threegas molecule)

(iv)Products of electrolysis therefore are;

          I. At the cathode grey beads /solid aluminum metal.

          II.At the anode colourless gas that relights/rekindles glowing splint.

13. In industries electrolysis has the following uses/applications:

(a)Extraction of reactive metals from their ores

Potassium, sodium, magnesium, and aluminum are extracted from their ores using electrolytic methods.

(b)Purifying copper after extraction from copper pyrites ores

Copper obtained from copper pyrites ores is not pure. After extraction, the copper is refined by electrolyzing copper (II) sulphate (VI) solution using the impure copper as anode and a thin strip of pure copper as cathode. Electrode ionization takes place there:

(i)At the cathode; Cu2+ (aq)   +   2e   -> Cu(s) (Pure copper deposits on the strip

(ii)At the anode; Cu(s) ->Cu2+ (aq)          +   2e   (impure copper erodes/dissolves)


The label EPNS (Electro Plated Nickel Silver) on some steel/metallic utensils mean they are plated/coated with silver and/or Nickel to improve their appearance (add their aesthetic value) and prevent/slow corrosion(rusting of iron). Electroplating is the process of coating a metal with another metal using an electric current. During electroplating, the cathode is made of the metal to be coated/impure.


During the electroplating of a spoon with silver

(i) The spoon/impure is placed as the cathode (negative terminal of battery)

(ii) The pure silver is placed as the anode (positive terminal of battery)

(iii) The pure silver erodes/ionizes/dissociates to release electrons:

Ag(s) ->Ag+ (aq)          +   e   (impure silver erodes/dissolves)

(iv) silver (Ag+)ions from electrolyte gain electrons to form pure silver  deposits / coat /cover the spoon/impure

Ag+ (aq)     +   e   ->Ag(s)    (pure silver deposits /coat/cover on spoon)

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