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Answer the following questions: I. Write the equation for the decomposition of the electrolytes during the electrolytic process.                      H2O(l)        -> OH– (aq)   + H+(aq) H2 SO4(aq)   -> SO42-(aq)  + 2H+(aq) II. Name the ions in acidified water that are attracted/move to:  Cathode- H+(aq) from either sulphuric(VI) acid(H2 SO4) or water(H2O)         Anode– SO42-(aq) … Read more


(a)Calculate the solubility of potassium nitrate(V) if 5.0 g of the salt is dissolved in 50.0cm3 of water. Solubility = Mass of solute/salt/solid x 100   =>( 5.0 x 100 )   = 10.0 g /100g H2O                     Mass/volume of water/solvent                   50.0 (b)Calculate the solubility of potassium chlorate(V) if 50.0 g of the salt is … Read more

THE MOLE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS-Empirical and Molecular Formula

1. Calculate the volume of Oxygen required to completely react with 50cm3 of Hydrogen. Chemical equation:   2H2 (g)  +       O2 (g)         ->      2H2O(l) Volume ratios           2            :          1               :        0 Reacting volumes               50cm3   :        25cm3 50cm3 of Oxygen is used 2. Calculate the volume of air required to completely reacts … Read more


CHEMISTRY OF CHLORINE A.CHLORINE Chlorine is a non-metallic element in group VII (Group 17) of the periodic table. It has electronic configuration 2:8:7. It gains one valence election to form stable Cl–ion, it belongs to the chemical family of halogens. Occurrence -As Brine-concentration sodium chloride solution dissolved in salty seas water, oceans and lakes e.g. … Read more