a) With reference to the accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 identify eight attributes of God.
- omnipotent
- moral
- orderly
- loving personal
- omnipresent
- Spirit
- provider
- omniscient
- worker
- creator
- everlasting/ self existent
- source of goodness
- holy
Any 8 x 1
b) Outline the responsibilities given to human beings by God in the Genesis stories of creation
- Procreate
- Conserve the environment
- Obey God
- Rule over the creation
- Cultivate the land
- Marry
- Eat from the fruits provided in the garden apart from the central tree
- To give names to the animals
- To worship God
c) Identify reasons why man is a special creature to God. (6 mks)
- Man was created after all others in the first creation account
- Man was created in the image of God
- Man was given the mandate to pro-create
- God gave man a special breath through his nostrils
- Man was made by God’s hands from the soil
- He was the first to be created in the 2nd creation accout
- He was given the responsibility to name other creatures
- He was to have fellowship with God
- Man was given charge over the Garden of Eden
- He was elevated above other creations with a superior I.Q 6 x 1 = 6 marks
a) Describe ways in which Moses showed his obedience to God (7mks)
- he accepted to remove his sandals when God commanded him
- he accepted to perform the plagues in Egypt when Pharaoh refused to release the Israelites
- he led the Israelites across the Red Sea as commanded by God
- he prepared for the Passover as commanded by God
- he provided the Israelites with proper instruction as given to him by God
- he prepared for Mt. Sinai covenant and followed the instruction as given by God
- he wrote the defeat of the Amalekites on the scroll as God commanded him
- he provided water to the Israelites as commanded by God
- he raised his rod over the Red Sea to part the water as commanded by God
b) State six instructions given to Abraham concerning circumcision (6mks)
- every male among Abrahams descendants had to be circumcised
- All of Abraham’s servants bought with his money had to be circumcised
- They were to be circumcised by having the flesh of their foreskins removed
- It was to take place when a boy was only 8 days old
- Any male who was not circumcised was to be cut off from Abraham descendants
- Abraham name was to be changed to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah
- Circumcision was to become a traditional practice / costume for Abraham descendants ( 6×1=6mks)
c) Identify seven importance of covenants in modern life (7mks)
- Fosters committement e.g. in marriage
- Promotes trust confidence in one another
- Protect the parties from exploitation
- Promotes peaceful and harmonious living
- Foster faithfulness and accountability
- Promotes moral uprightness
- It blinds one legally to their promises
- Promotes communal living as the witnesses have a responsibility of ensuring no one breaks it
- Strengthens one’s faith in God
- Enlightens citizens to their rights
- Being unity between individuals / communities that were separated before.
a) Give seven circumstances that led to the spread of idolatry in Israel (7mks)
- influence of Canaanite religion
- religious schism
- king Ahabs’s marriage to Jezebel
- intermarriages between the Israel and their neighbors
- The practice of syncretism among the Israelites.
- The Israelites kings participated in idol worship
- The Israelites were stubborn and ‘unwilling to repent
- The division of the kingdom after Solomon’s death
b) Why did Elijah face danger and hostility as a prophet of God (7mks)
- He ordered for the killing of all Baal prophets after the contest
- He fought against false religion in Israel
- He tried to condemn corrupt practices in Israel
- He had rebuked king Ahab for taking Naboth’s vineyard
- He prophesied 3 ½ years drought in Israel
- He had pronounced death of Jezebel and Ahab as a punishment from God
- He was one of the prophets who were being persecuted by Jezebel
- There were many false prophets who promoted Baalism and enjoyed state protection
- He made himself an enemy of the King by calling him a trouble maker of Israel
- The Israelites had abandoned the worship of Yahweh and were not ready to change
- He was in danger of wild animals and the hostile weather conditions in the wilderness
- Ahab had made Baalism the official state religion
( 7×1=7mks)
c) Highlight six lessons that Christian can learn about social justice from the story of Naboth’s vineyard
- Christians should not use their positions of leadership to acquire wealth falsely
- Christian should protect the poor against corrupt leaders
- Christians should safeguard property received through inheritance/ according to the law
- Christians should protect the rights/ freedom of citizen/ not kill
- Christian should condemn all forms of injustices in the society
- Christian should fight for the right of the weak in the society
- Christian should know that there is punishment for those who exploit the poor
- Christian should be remissive / repentant
- Christian should report corrupt leaders ( 6×1=6mks)
a) How were the prophetic messages written (6mks)
- God dictated to prophets what was to- be put down
- They were written in a continuous prose not in verse /chapters
- They were written in Hebrews language
- Some prophets dictated to their scribes.
- Prophets wrote the messages by themselves either on scroll or stone tablets
- Messages were preserved and passed on orally and later were writen down
- They were gathered over time and then organized into ;subjects
- They were written on scrolls / stone tablets
b) Describe the teaching of Amos on the Day of the Lord. (8mks)
- It will be a day of darkness and not light
- People will mourn and wail
- Israel will be defeated by their enemies
- A day of thirst and hunger for God’s word.
- A day of judgment for Israel sins
- There will be earthquakes
- A day when feast and festivals will not be joyful
- All wicked would not escape God’s judgment
- A day of terror/ doom
- There will be cosmic sign i.e. the solar eclipse
- The young will faint searching for the word of God
( 8×1=8mks)
c) What lessons do Christians learn from Amos message on jugdement?
- Christian should pray for those who commit sin to change
- Christian learn that God is universal for He judges not only particular group but all
- Christians learn that God is merciful for He will still forgive sinners and restore his relationship
- Christians learn that God is concerned with the welfare of his people so that they are just and morally upright
- Christians learn that God hates sins
- Christians learn that evil will eventually be judged
- Christians learn that God uses natural and historical events to warn his people
- Christians should repent their sins and seek God’s forgiveness to avoid his judgment.
- Christian behavior should match their religious piety
a) Describe the fall of Jerusalem during the time of Jeremiah (8mks)
- the city of Jerusalem was under siege 1½ years during the reign of King Zedekiah
- king Zedekiah resisted the Babylonian invasion hoping to be assisted by the Egyptians
- the Israelites inside were weakened by famine and smashed by the Babylonians
- the Babylonians set up an administrative headquarter at mizpah and appointed geddaliah as the governor
- King Zedekiah and his officials tired to escape to Rabbah but he was captured together with his men near Jericho and taken to- Nebuchadnezzar
- Nebuchadnezzah ordered for the killing of the two sons of Zezediah and his officials
- Zedekiahs’s eyes were gouged , frog matched and dragged in humiliation, and taken to exile in Babylon.
- The city was looted houses burnt the temple and its Walls’s destroyed leaving it ruined /defenseless
- The remnants including the royal officials priests, army officers craft men and the middle class were taken to captivity
- The land and the city including the vineyards and the fields were given to the poor who remained in Judah
- Jeremiah was treated well by Nebuchadnezzar because of his prophecies to surrender to them (8×1=8mks)
b) Mention the content of Jeremiah’s message in his pastoral letter to the exiles (6mks)
- To build houses and settle down
- To plant gardens and eat their produce
- To marry and give their children in marry and give their children in marriage increase in number
- Not to listen to the false prophets and diviner who deceived them
- To live in peace in Babylonian cities
- Pray for the welfare of their masters
- Not to give up/God would restore them after 70 years
- To trust in God – God was accessible in Babylon
- Go-d would restore their fortunes after exile God would punish those who had remained in Judah (Any 7×1=7mks)
c) Give the relevance of Jeremiah Temple Sermon to Christian today (6mks)
- Christian should understand that God is a moral God and expects them to practice social justice
- Christian should avoid hypocrisy in worship
- Christian must be honest in their dealings with others
- Church leaders should not have double standards when administering to the poor and the rich
- Christian leaders should not exploit their workers by respecting their human dignity
- Christian should avoid self- deceit
- Christians should be aware of the plight of the poor, widows etc and be ready to render both spiritual and material support
- Christians should keep the places of worship Holy
- Christians should be aware of false prophets and be able to discern the true and false prophets
- Christians should condemn religious and social evils in the society
a) State seven reasons why initiation is important in traditional African community
- shedding of blood onto the ground binds the iniates with God and ancestors
- the cutting of foreskins symbolizes the separation from childhood
- the physical pain prepares the them for the challenges of life in future
- the gifts given to the initiates legalizes them to start] owning property
- the initiates are allowed to marry and start a family
- the living in seclusion by the initiates allows ;them time to learn about the secrets of the community
- initiation period enables the community to identify future leaders
- initiation promotes the youth to full membership of their community
- initiation ceremonies bring families relatives and friends together hence help in strengthening kinship ties
- initiation rites help in structuring the community through age groups and age sets parents of the initiates ( 7×1=7mks)
b)State reasons why the observance of blood kinship is important in traditional African Societies (7mks)
- It enables respect among relatives and /helps to maintain and safeguard the culture of the people
- It defines relationships between members
- It provides a wide source of material help in case of need
- It provides unlimited source of advice to the members
- It helped member to face challenges together
- Provides a wide source of security to members
- Enhances solidarity / unity among members
- Gives people identity and a sense of belonging
- Ensures smooth inheritance of property
- Defines duties and responsibilities
c) State ways in which the government in Kenya minimizes problems related to land (6mks)
- Empower traditional elders to settle land disputes
- Settling landless people
- Allocating enough land for public utility
- Encouraging dialogue between communities with disputes of land
- Re-locating people living in reserved areas
- Issuing title deeds
- Ensuring land transfer are legally carried out
- Allowing the wills on inheritance of land
- Encouraging inter-ethnic existence
- Making and defining boundaries