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END OF TERM 3 2022
Answer ALL questions in the spaces provided (80 mks)
- Give five reasons why the bible is referred to as the word of God . (5mks)
- The author was inspired by the holy spent.
- It contains prophecies and promises.
- God wrote some parts of the bibles
- it contains true message of God for daily living
- it portrays the nature/character of God.
- It contains Gods plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
- Mention five ways in which God speaks to us through the bible. (5mks)
- Historical events
- Creation/Nature/Natural events
- Dreams revelation
- Jesus Christ
- Holy spirit and conscience
- State five occasions when Christians in Kenya use the bible. (5mks)
- Swearing leaders to office/oath
- Used in courts of law
- Used in religious ceremonies eg weddings, baptism etc
- It is text book for students and teachers.
- Used to instruct new converts.
- Christian hymns/songs are derived from the bible
- used in preaching
- It is a Christian literature eg Christians’ magazine used it to support their message.
- Used in guidance and counselling
- reading it to others
- It is a medium of communication ie God uses it to communicate to Christians.
- Name five Deuterocanonical books used by the Catholics (5mks)
- Esdras
- 1st Macabees
- 2nd Macabees
- Ecclesiasticus
- Tobit
- wisdom
- Buruch
- Identify five historical books in the old testament (5mks)
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1st Samuel
- 2nd Samuel
- 1st &2nd Kings
- 1st & 2nd Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Give five versions of the bible used by Christians in Kenya today (5mks)
- Revises standard version
- Good news
- Holy Bible
- Jerusalem
- New International version
- Jerome
- king James version
- the living bible
- common bible
- new English bible
- Gideons bible
- African bible
- new American
- authorized
- Identify five responsibilities given to human beings in the Genesis stones of creation. (5mks)
- To procreate
- to conserve the environment
- to obey God
- to rule over the creations
- to cultivate the lands
- to marry
- to eat from the fruits provided in the garden
- to give names to animals and birds
- Outline five differences in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1and 2 (5mks)
- In the 1st God use word power while in the 2nd use substance.
- In the 1st man and woman were created at the same time, while in the 2nd male was created first then the female later form man’s rib as a companion.
- In it the purpose of manage is procreation.
- In 2nd it is companionship.
- In the 1st man was created last – 2nd he is the first be created.
- In 1st, God rested on the seventh day and is observed as the Lords Sabbath in 2nd there is no Sabbath mentioned.
- In 1st – God gives names to what he orders to be , 2nd – man is ordered to give name to all that God created.
- In the 1st – human beings are to subdue the earth.
- 2nd – God confines them in the Garden of Eden.
- In 1st creation is completed in 6 days in 2nd no number of days given
- 1st no forbidden tree 2nd there is a forbidden tree
- In 1st – God creates in unity with the holy spirit. In 2nd he was alone.
- In what ways are human beings special than other creatures from the Genesis stories
of creation (5mks)
- Made in the image and likeness of God
- Given privilege of communicating with God in prayer
- Man was created to have fellowship with God/ God would visit him in the gardens.
- Was give freedom and intelligence to choose good from evil
- Was blessed and commanded to multiply
- Was more dignified in that he walks upright
- He is a co –creator with God through precreation/planting trees
- Given privileged to name animals
- Given dominion over rest of creation.
- He shares life with God in that God breathed his own breath into his nostrils
- Was given a special/ ordained relationships of marriage
- Identify five causes of evil in Kenya today (5mks)
- Poverty/ wealth
- Corruption
- Disobedience/rebellion
- inability forgive others
- influence from media/ foreign culture
- peer pressure/wrong choices
- unemployment
- permissiveness in the society
- influence of drug and substances above
- poor role models
- lack of guidance/counselling poor upbringing
- Outline the promises of God to Abraham. (5mks)
- Would give him a son
- make his name great
- bless those who bless him and curse those who cures him/protect him
- would give him many descendants
- Would give him long life/would die in peace and be buried at a good old age
- all families of the earth would be blessed through him
- Some of his descendants would become kings.
- God would establish and everlasting covenant with him.
- Identify five characteristics of a covenant. (5mks)
- Promises/oath
- participants/two parties
- A seal
- sign/symbol
- a ceremony
- consequence
- witness/sses
- Give five reasons why Moses was unwilling to go back to Egypt. (5mks)
- He had killed an Egyptian
- pharaoh had wanted to kill him feared for his life
- feared Israelites would not believe that God hand sent him
- was not an eloquent speaker
- feared Israelite would not accepted him as their leader
- Lacked confidence in himself
- Lacked enough knowledge about Yahweh
- It was a difficult task
- He was already settled in median and had a family/ content with his life
- Identify five lessons that Christians learn about God from the call of Moses. (5mks)
- God hears/responds to the cry of his people
- God uses events to reveal himself
- God is holy/pure
- works through people
- Does not give people impossible tasks
- protects his people/care/loving
- God is powerful
- Punishes the enemies of his people
- He is beyond human understanding transcendent
- Faithful to his promises
- He’s omnipresent
- He is omniscience (all knowing)
- He demands total obedience and faith
- He has power over nature.
- Identify five ways in which God revealed himself to the Israelites at Mt Sinai. (5mks)
- Thunder
- Lighting
- earth quake
- loud trumpet blast
- thick cloud
- fire
- smoke
- God spoke to Moses
- List Five commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate to one another.(5mks)
- Honour your father and mother
- You shall not kill
- you shall not steal
- you shall not commit adultery
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
- You shall not covet your neighbours wife/property