CRE Topical Questions and Answers-Jesus Passion, Death and Resurrection


1.         (a) Jesus teachings on the way to salvation                                                               

  • To forsake sinful life and follow Jesus
  • One has to repent his/her sins and ask for forgiveness from God
  • To have childlike qualities e.g. dependence/curiosity/humility/trust e.t.c.
  • Being obedient to the commandments of God
  • It requires self denial and renouncing of one’s family for the sake of the Kingdom
  • It involves giving back everything that was acquired though fraud as Zacheus did
  • It needs total change of heart
  • Using one’s God given abilities for the good of the Kingdom
  • One should be determined to receive salvation as Zacheous did             (8×1=8mks)

(b) Crucifixion of Jesus

  • Jesus was crucified at Calvary between two criminals
  • One of the criminals hanging there mocked Jesus by asking Him to save Himself and them
  • The second criminal defended Jesus and asked Him to remember him in his Kingdom
  • Jesus assured him that He will be with him in Paradise
  • The soldiers also mocked Jesus by offering Him cheap wine and asked Him to save Himself
  • Darkness covered the whole land and the temple curtain was cut into two
  • As Jesus died He committed His spirit into the hands of God
  • The centurion who witnessed His death approved Jess to be innocent and all the multitude who had assembled there went home beating their breasts                                    (8×1=8mks)

 (c) Lessons Christians learn from the actions of Pilate:-

  • Jesus was innocent / did not deserve death
  • Christians should not be  intimidated/influenced by others to do/say what they know is wrong
  • Should do what is pleasing to God and not what pleases human beings
  • Should strive for fairness regardless of the cost
  • Should be careful in judging/accusing others/passing judgement on others
  • Should give guidance
  • Jesus is the messiah / son of God                                    

2.         (a) Reasons why Elijah was un comprising in his attitude to Baal worship are;-                

  • He believed that only Yahweh was the Israelites God
  • By worshipping Baal, people had broken the covenant law
  • As the people worshipped Baal, they failed to recognize Yahweh as God and the Lord of everything
  • The worship of Baal led to the killing of Yahweh’s prophets
  • A lot of  suffering had resulted from Baal worship
  • Elijah had strong faith in God
  • By condemning Baal worship, Elijah knew that he could put away the foreign ideology that Ahab was trying to bring in his rules
  • Elijah believed that the people might turn to the covenant of faith
  • Being a prophet, Elijah was against Baalism because it was his vocation(Any 7= 7×1=7mks)

(b) Problems faced by Prophet Elijah in Israel are;-

  • Elijah’s life was threatened by Izebel who swore to kill him
  • Elijah suffered fear and had to flee to the wilderness
  • Elijah was discouraged when it seemed that he was not achieving much
  • Elijah got depressed and prayed for death
  • Elijah suffered loneliness as he was the only remaining prophet of Yahweh
  • At times Elijah lacked basic requirements such as food and water
  • He was accused falsely by King Ahab as the troublemaker of Israel
  • Sometime he doubted God                                                                        (Any 7=7×1=7mks)

(c)  Reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society are;-

  • Devil worship is against God’s commandments and Christians have a duty to fight it
  • Because it advocates for human destruction
  • It advocates for materialism as the guiding factor to man’s success
  • Devil worship lead s to lack of faith and reliance on God
  • Rituals involved in devil worship are dehumanizing
  • Christians fight devil worship to warn people of God’s judgment if they do not turn back to him
  • It instills fear on God’s people

3.         (a) Five conditions which lead to the Babylonian exile are;-                                              

  • Babylonians had become powerful and had defeated Egypt
  • The Israelites had forsaken the covenant way of life/commands of God
  • They had broken their relationship with God e.g. worshipped idols.
  • Intermarriages with foreigners
  • Israelites refused to listen to Prophets
  • They also persecuted the prophets of Yahweh
  • The Israelites failed to repent of their sins
  • They had weak leaders who failed to return people to the covenant way of life(5×2=10mks)

(b) Problems the Israelites experienced during the Babylonian exile are;-

  • They lacked adequate food/famines
  • They suffered from various diseases and ailments
  • They lost their identity
  • They found it hard to adopt to a new environment
  • They had to keep/follow the Babylonian officials
  • They lived in fear of the Babylonian officials
  • They were turned to refugees
  • Their religious loyalty to God was undermined
  • They lacked places of worship
  • There were false prophets                                                             (Any5x1=5mks)

(c) Five difficulties Christians go through as they serve God are;-

  • Temptation from worldly/devil pleasure
  • Face opposition/persecution/oppression due to their faith
  • Communication barriers
  • Challenges form other religions
  • Bad examples set by leaders discourage them
  • Challenges from science and technology
  • Disagreement /division within the Church
  • False teachings/Prophet who contradict Christian teachings                  (Any 5×1=5mks)

4.         (a)Reasons why it was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had resurrected.

  • Disciples of Jesus has witnessed his death and burial hence they knew he had gone forever.
  • The report about the resurrection of Jesus was first reported by women who were highly despised in Israel.
  • Disciples expected a triumphant political Messiah, not one that would die.
  • The disciple lacked faith kin the teaching and sharing that Jesus had with them.
  • There was conflict message and information about the resurrection of Jesus. He appeared to the disciples differently hence different reports.
  • The tomb was heavily guarded by the Roman soldiers and a big rock was placed in door war of the tomb. Jesus would not pass all those without being noticed.
  • The influence from their historical background about resurrection where Sadducees did not believe in resurrection of the dead.
  • Disciples were ignorant of the divine nature of Jesus.                                         (8 x 1= 8 mk)

.        (b) Ways Christians live according to Jesus’ will as they await his second coming.

  • Avoiding sins.
  • Living under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Leading prayerful lives.
  • Doing charitable works.
  • Discouraging false prophets who keep on cheating them.
  • Patiently looking for signs of end time.
  • Giving hope to others by preaching the Good News to them.                              (6 x 1 = 6 mks)

5.         (a) The areas of conflict between Jesus and Jewish religious leaders.                     

            – Sabbath observance: Jesus healed on the Sabbath while Jewish leaders taught no work should            

                 be done on the Sabbath.

  • Jesus mixed freely with sinners e.g. tax collectors, Gentiles and unclean people.
  • He exposed hypocrisy of Jewish religious leaders openly.
  • Jesus’ disciples were not fasting like those of John the Baptist.
  • His divine authority, Pharisees felt it blasphemous when he claimed to forgive sins.
  • His claim to be Messiah.
  • His claim that he can destroy the temple and build it in three days.
  • His claim that the first will be the last and last be the first in the kingdom of God. 

(b)Ways disciples of Jesus showed their support to his ministry.

  • They left their families and followed him.
  • They accepted his teachings/obeyed him.
  • They invited him to their homes e.g. Levi and Peter.
  • Accompanied him in his work.
  • Addressed him as rabbi/teacher.
  • Took care of his mother.
  • Peter cried when he remembered he had denied Jesus.
  • They were present when he was crucified on the cross.
  • Were happy when he resurrected.
  • Helped him to spread Good News e.g. mission of the 12 disciples.                     (7 x 1 = 7 mk)

(c) The obstacles faced by Christian leaders as they do their work.

  • Political interference with church work.
  • Corruption in the society.
  • Immorality among the church members.
  • Factionalism among church members.
  • Struggle for leadership among members.
  • Death/sickness/family problems among the members.
  • Hypocrisy of some of the members.
  • Increasing numbers of atheists.
  • Modern styles of living.                                        

6          (a) Describe what happened to Jesus from the time of his arrest to his death on the cross.

                Luke 2l: 47, 47- Lk 23:48.                                                                                                 

  1. Disciples took swords and wanted to resist but Jesus told them not to fights.
  2. Jesus was taken to the house of the high priests.
  3. Peter denied Jesus three times.
  4. Jesus was mocked and beaten.
  5. Jesus was brought to the council (Sanhedrin).
  6. Jesus was taken before Pilate who found him innocent.
  7. Jesus was taken to Herod who ordered him to be taken back to Pilate.
  8. Pilate released Barnabas on the insistence of the Jewish (crowd).
  9. Jesus carried the cross on which he was to be crucified.
  10. Jesus was crucified between two thieves.
  11. At 12 o’clock the sun stopped shinning and darkness covered the whole country.
  12. The curtain hanging in the temple torn into two.
  13. Jesus cried “Father in your hands I place my spirit” and then died.  

(b) five reasons why it was difficult for the disciples to believe that Jesus had


  1. They had witnessed his death and burial.
  2. Report about resurrection was brought by women who were despised.
  3. Disciple expected a political messiah and not suffering messiah.
  4. The tomb was blocked by heavy rock.
  5. They were ignorant of the divine nature of Jesus.
  6. The influence of the historical background.                    

(c) The importance of resurrection of Jesus to Christians today.                  (7 mks)

  1. Christians who have faith are assured of overcoming physical death
  2. Christian ore given hope of eternal life.
  3. Christians start living new life.
  4. The Christians receive the Holy Spirit.
  5. Through the resurrection Christians are given new power to conquer sin and death.
  6. New understanding of who Jesus was and his messianic mission w as brought out.

7.          The resurrected Christ reveal himself to his followers

  1. He appeared to disciple in a room in the absence of Thomas.
  2. He appeared to Peter Lk 24:34
  3. He appeared to two disciples on their road to Emmaus 24:13-24
  4. He appeared to the eleven  in Jerusalem in Bethany before His ascension Lk 24: 50 53
  5. He appeared to Mary Gadalene  Mary the mother  of Jesus Lk 24:1-12

8.         (a)Events that took place when Jesus was put on the cross. Lk. 23 : 33 – 46                       

            (i) Two thieves were crucified alongside Jesus.

            (ii) They crucified Jesus at the place called the Skull.

            (iii) Lots were casts to divide Jesus’ garments.

            (iv) People stood by watching.

            (v) Rulers scoffed at him saying  “He saved others. Let Him save himself …………”

            (vi) Soldiers mocked Him and offered Him vinegar.

            (vii) An inscription was put over His head “This is the King of the Jews.”

            (viii) One of the criminals teased Him to save Himself.

            (ix) the other thief resolved the former confirming that Jesus is Lord and innocent.

            (x) Jesus answered the thief of his entry into Heaven on the same night.

            (xi) At the sixth hour there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.

            (xii) The suns’ light failed.

            (xiii) The curtains in the temple tore into two.

            (xiv) Jesus offered the last loud cry “Father into thy hands I commit my spirit.”

            (xv) Having said so he breathed the last.

(b)Five reasons why Jesus was sentenced to death by Pilate and yet He was Innocent.

  1. He was afraid of a Jewish revolt.
  2. He did not want to be disloyal to the Roman Emperor after learning that Jesus had been accused of treason
  3. He feared loosing his job.
  4. It was in order so that the prophecies would be fulfilled.
  5. Pilate was a weak character and an opportunist who acted as the spur of the moment.

(c) The importance of Jesus death to Christians today?

  1. Through His death Christians are forgiven their sins / reconciles with Him.
  2. It demonstrates God’s love for human beings.
  3. Christians have a personal relationship with God.
  4. It enables Christians to face death with courage.
  5. Through His death, salvation / eternal life is availed to all people.
  6. He has become their everlasting high priest interceding for them.
  7. It strengthens faith of Christians.

9.         a) Four reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supper                  

  1. Unleavened bread was used during the celebration of the Jewish Passover
  2. Both bread and wine were a common food among the Jews
  3. Jesus wanted to give bread and wine new meaning and used them as symbols
  4. Bread represented his body to be broken for the forgiveness of sin
  5. Wine represented his blood to be shed for the salvation of human beings
  6. He was enacting his teaching that he believed eternal life
  7. Jesus wanted to give the Jewish Passover a new meaning
  8. Sharing of bread and wine is a sign of fellowship which is a characteristic of messianic

b) lessons Christians learn from the crucifixion of Jesus                                          

  1. Christians should prepare for the coming of God’s judgement
  2. They should forgive others as Jesus did
  3. They should be ready to suffer and be rejected for the sake of the gospel
  4. They should repent to their sins
  5. They should have faith in God
  6. They should be ready to witness the lordship of God

10.       (a) The arrest of Jesus as narrated in Luke 22:47-53                                               

  • Jesus was arrested at olives in the evening while with his disciples
  • He was arrested by a team led by Judas Iscariot
  • The team included the chief priest, temple official, Roman soldiers
  • Judas moved forward and kissed Jesus.
  • Jesus asked “are you betraying the son of man with a kiss”
  • The team was heavily armed
  • One of the disciples struck the ear of the chief priest’s servant
  • Jesus quickly ordered for peace/stopped resistance
  • He touched the ear of the servant and it got healed
  • He asked why they had come with pangas and yet he was always with them
  • They arrested and took him to the house of the chief priest.                                    

(b) 6 reasons why the disciples of Jesus were reluctant to listen to the holy women’s            

    testimony concerning the resurrection of Jesus Christ                                                              )

  • Women were looked down upon in the Jewish community/seen as gossipers
  • The disciples had witnessed Jesus death and burial.
  • Jesus had not appeared to them therefore they thought it was a lie
  • It had never happened before/it was an extra ordinary event
  • They had little faith/weak faith in Jesus as the messiah
  • They were still in a state of shock having lost their master
  • There was conflicting information about resurrection
  • They knew the tomb was heavily guarded                                   

 (c) 6 factors which hinder the people from accepting the call to salvation

  • Lack of faith
  • Pride
  • Due to education/scientific knowledge
  • Opposition from cults/satanic movements
  • Beliefs in materialism/self reliance
  • Fear of persecution
  • Existence of other religious beliefs
  • Inadequate role models            

11.        In what ways does the church prepare Christians for the second coming of Jesus

  • the church  leadership calls  people  to repentance
  • the  church  baptizes  the  converts
  • the  church preaches  the  gospel  about  Jesus Christ
  • the  church organizes  crusades
  • the  church evangelizes the  masses  who later  convert  to  Christians
  • the  church  has  initiated  ecumenism  to  create  peace  and  harmony  amongst Christians
  • the church reaches  out  to may  through  the  mass and  print  media
  • the church  gives  alms  to the  needy and  poor  Christians  i.e.  gives charitable services

12.       five reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is important to Christians                     

  1. It is the foundation of the Christian faith and hope without which their believe would be useless
  2. Christian faith would be in vain if Jesus had not resurrected
  3. Through the resurrection, Christians have confidence and hope because the one they believe in has been exalted and sits at the right hand of God Almighty
  4. Through the resurrection , Christians are given the hope of eternal life
  5. The resurrection of Jesus led to the coming of the Holy Spirit who help Christians to live according to the teachings of Christ, preach the gospel and speak boldly against evils in the society
  6. The resurrection gives meaning to Baptism in that one dies in sin and is raised with Christ to new life
  7. The resurrection confirms the divinity of Jesus as true (son of God, the messiah)
  8. The resurrection gives Christians courage to face death because they have hope of resurrecting at his second return
  9. The resurrection acts as a unifying factor for all Christians in the world
  10. It is remembered by Christians during the celebration of holy Eucharist