Exams Software


Enovate exams analysis . The key features include:

  1. Entering marks via either computer or Android Mobile phones
  2. All necessary reports
    1. Report cards
    2. Analysis for each exam:
      1. For mixed schools separate grade count for Males and Females
      2. Grades count for each subject and for the overall
      3. Separate results for each stream
      4. Results for all streams combined
      5. Results ranked by improvement from previous term
    3. Analysis for end of term Average (like in b above)
  3. SMS for parents
  4. Very easy administration
  5. Personalized support
  6. Ask for *any* other report

Download Android App for Exams Analytics

Download Enovate KCSE Revision App on Google Play Store

Download Enovate School Management App on Google Play

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