1. (a) Ways in which David promoted the worship of God are:-
- David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
- He composed Psalms that have continued to be used in the worship of God
- He defeated the enemies of Israel making her to worship in a condusive environment
- He advised others to obey God and keep His commandments
- He wanted to build a temple for God to house the Ark of the covenant
- David made Jerusalem the Holy city; where all Israelites gathered to worship God during important religious occasions
- He listened to advice of God’s Prophets
- When he sinned he repented and served as an example to other people
- He thanked God often and called upon Israelites to worship God
(b) Ways by which Kings of Israel led people back to God are:
- They led in the renewal of the Sinai covenant
- Josiah destroyed alters that had been set up to worship idols
- Jehu eliminated members of the house of Ahab thus reducing influence of idolatry in Israel
- They destroyed the ministers of Baal
- King Josiah restored temple worship
- The temple was repainted and made presentable for the worship of God e.g. Jescah
- They repented the sins of worshipping idols
2. (a) Ways in which king David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel.
- David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.
- He did not only make Jerusalem his political capital but also the holy city/religious/ spiritual-capital in which all Israelites came for religious occasions. He composed the psalms used in worship.
- He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh E.g Nathan.
- When David made mistakes he repented and asked for Yahweh’s forgiveness.
- David humbled himself before Yahweh and completely submitted to his will.
- He advised others to obey God.
- He constantly prayed to God and sought his guidance.
- He conquered the enemies of Israel so that they could live in peace
(b) How Christians demonstrate their faith in God.
- Worshipping Him.
- Helping the needy.
- Resolving conflicts /being peace makers.
- Conserving God’s creation/environment.
- Living according to His laws.
- Living exemplary lives/Role models.
3. (a) Ways in which David promoted the worship of God are:-
- David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
- He composed Psalms that have continued to be used in the worship of God
- He defeated the enemies of Israel making her to worship in a condusive environment
- He advised others to obey God and keep His commandments
- He wanted to build a temple for God to house the Ark of the covenant
- David made Jerusalem the Holy city; where all Israelites gathered to worship God during important religious occasions
- He listened to advice of God’s Prophets
- When he sinned he repented and served as an example to other people
- He thanked God often and called upon Israelites to worship God
(b) Ways by which Kings of Israel led people back to God are:
- They led in the renewal of the Sinai covenant
- Josiah destroyed alters that had been set up to worship idols
- Jehu eliminated members of the house of Ahab thus reducing influence of idolatry in Israel
- They destroyed the ministers of Baal
- King Josiah restored temple worship
- The temple was repainted and made presentable for the worship of God e.g. Jescah
- They repented the sins of worshipping idols (7×1=7mks)
(c) Ways in which Christians show their trust in God are;-
- Christians show their trust in God by obeying God’s word and commandments
- By believing His promises
- By trusting the scriptures as God given
- By praying to God for their needs
- They put up places of worship where people can worship God
- By assisting the needy in society (Any 5= 5×1=5mks)
4. (a) Ways in which king David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel.
- David brought the Ark of the covenant to Jerusalem.
- He did not only make Jerusalem his political capital but also the holy city/religious/ spiritual-capital in which all Israelites came for religious occasions. He composed the psalms used in worship.
- He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh E.g Nathan.
- When David made mistakes he repented and asked for Yahweh’s forgiveness.
- David humbled himself before Yahweh and completely submitted to his will.
- He advised others to obey God.
- He constantly prayed to God and sought his guidance.
- He conquered the enemies of Israel so that they could live in peace
(b) How Christians demonstrate their faith in God.
- Worshipping Him.
- Helping the needy.
- Resolving conflicts /being peace makers.
- Conserving God’s creation/environment.
- Living according to His laws.
- Living exemplary lives/Role models.
5. The contributions made by Kind David to the Development of Israel as a nation
- He was God’s appointee filled with God’s Holy spirit
- He recognized God’s supremacy in his leadership respecting Prophets and consulting them before He acted
- Captured the city of Jerusalem from Jebusites and made it his Administration headquarter
- He made Jerusalem a religious centre by bringing the Ark of the covenant
- He recognized the unity of Israel by uniting twelve tribes together
- He initiated the idea of building the temple in Jerusalem
- He was knowledgeable , eloquent, generous, patient and kind to his people
- He established a powerful nation, though military conquest and boundary expansion
- He was a diplomat who established good international relations with her neighbours
- He increased state wealth y promoting local and regional trade
- He composed and recited the psalms which was adopted in scriptures used for worship
- He was a charismatic leader and shrewd administrator who sought advise from wise men.
- He established the longest serving dynasty in Israel lasted for over 400years
6. a)7 failures of King Saul as the first king of Israel
- He was impatient and offered the sacrifice instead of waiting for Samuel
- He disobeyed God’s command of total of destruction of a conquered enemy i.e. law of Herem
- He disobeyed God’s prophets
- He was jealous and plotted to kill David
- He counted a medium/ sac lad faith in God
- He was possessed by an evil spirit which tormented hence made him unable to rule effectively
- He spared King Agag of the of the Amalakites
- He spared the fatty animal for himself and sacrificed the thin ones to God
b) Factors that led to David’s successor’s failure in their leadership
- Lacks faith in God
- Dishonest and never committed God before undertaking their activities
- Married foreign wives who brought foreign influence
- Disobeyed God’s command by marrying foreign wives
- Practiced idolatry
- Oppressed the poor thus destroying the law of brotherhood
- Subjected the Israelites to forced labor and slavery
- Did not go according to the law of Moses
- Took part in Pagan feasts festivals
- Encouraged syncretism
- Built temples for worshipping idols
- Shed innocent blood
7 a) 6 promises that God gave to King David
- God promised to protect him and his descendants
- God would give his descendants land
- One of his sons would built a temple for God
- God would raise up a heir for throne
- God promises to establish an everlasting kingdom for him
- David’s name would be famous
- God’s relationship with his son would be like that of a father to his son
b) 8 reasons why King David is referred as the greatest king of Israel
- He was chosen and anointed by God
- He had outstanding leadership qualities i.e. he was patient, brave e.t.c.
- Expanded Israel’s territorial boundaries by conquering the enemies of Israel
- Honoured God by bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem
- He was a military commander – he fought many successful battles
- Consulted God’s servants whenever he wanted to undertake something
- He was a skilled Musician, composed Psalms
- Established Davidic dynasty which lasted 400 years
- He organized the administrative system of Israel by choosing wise elders in charge of various departments
c) 6 lessons that modern Christian leaders can learn from the leadership of King David
- Modern leaders should learn to appreciate that all authority is from God
- Leaders should foster unity in their countries
- Leaders should protect their states from external aggression
- Political and religious leaders should respect one another
- Acknowledge God in all the achievements
- Choose wise advisors in administrative issues
- Respect religious leaders and consult them whenever necessary
- Accepting correction when they make mistakes
- Trust in God
- Obey the commandments of God
- Be brave and courageous
- Seek God’s guidance for leadership
8. (a) Promises of God to David through Prophet Nathan
- God will make his Name great
- God will give Israel land
- God will establish David’s kingdom on earth
- His son will build the temple for God
- David will have an everlasting dynasty
(b) Ways sued by Israelites Kings to bring people back to God
- Destroying altars of idols
- repenting their sins when warned by Kings
- Restoring temple worship
- Renewal of he covenant
- Repairing the temple
- Destroying the bronze serpent which Moses had made
- Not forming political alliances with neighboring Kings.
(c )8 ways in which national unity can be promoted by leaders of today
- Promote inter-tribal activities
- Promote inter marriages
- Encourage inter-ethnic schools
- Employment promotion on merit
- Promote cultural exchange programmes or visits
- Promote national /official language-workplace + speech
- Encourage inter-denomination forums + worship + religion
- Equal distribution of resources nationally
- Encourage national political parties
9. (a) 6 reasons for Kingship in Israel (1Sam 8:1-9) are:
- The weakness of Samuel’s sons/they were corrupt
- They wanted to be like other nations
- They needed a leader for political stabilities
- Samuel had grown old/weak and hence could not lead
- They needed a human leader/one whom they can see
- They wanted someone to lead them in battles /ward
- They needed a leader to guide them in justice /political government
(b) Four ways in which King David promoted the worship of Yahweh in Israel were:-
- David brought the Ark of the covenant in Jerusalem
- He made Jerusalem a Holy city by centralizing worship
- He composed songs and psalms used in worship
- He respected prophets of God e.g. Prophet Nathan
- He repented his sins to God whenever he made mistakes
- He called himself the servant of Yahweh/God
- He had the initial plan of God to build the temple For God
- He advised his son Solomon to obey he commandments of God
- He prayed to God before carrying out any task/exercise
- He was chosen by God through public ministry
(c) Political leaders in Kenya have failed to perform their duties effectively is because of:
- Struggle for power/leadership wrangles
- Materialism/wealth accumulation
- Greed/selfishness
- Tribalism/ethnicity
- Laxity on the government to punish law breakers/ineffective judicial system
- Failure by politicians to act independently/control by higher authority
- Lack of leadership skills by some politicians
- Illiteracy
10 7 promises God gave to David through prophet Nathan
- God would make David’s name great.
- He will give Israel a place to dwell in.
- He would protect David from his enemies.
- David’s s on will build temple for God.
- God would remain a father to David’s son.
- David’s Dynasty would rule forever.
- God would raise an heir from David’s lineage to establish an ever lashing kingdom.
- God would support David’s Son.
- God would keep the Kingdom strong for David’s son.
11. The success of King David
- He made Jerusalem a religious centre
- He composed psalms which were used in worship by the Israelites
- He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh/ listened to their messages
- When David made mistakes, he repented
- David humbled himself before Yahweh, he called himself the servant of Yahweh
- He consistently prayed to God
- He wanted to build a temple for God
- He conquered the enemies of Israel so that they would live in peace
12. The duties of Samuel as prophet of God.
– He anointed the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David.
– He judged the people and settled disputes.
– He foretold what would happen to the Israelites.
– He reminded the people of God’s ways.
– He acted as a mediator between God and the people.
– He condemned social injustices.
– He brought to the king’s attention their mistakes.
– He condemned idolatry and promoted monotheism.
– He offered sacrifices to God on behalf of the people. (7 x 1) mks