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Form 2 Home Science End Term 1 with Free Marking Scheme

1.   List 5 income – generating activities a home – science student can engage in. (5mks)

2.   Define personal hygiene.                                                                                            (1mk)


3.   Name two glands found in the skin and explain how they make the body dirty. (4mks)

4. Name a disese or infection that may be spread by sharing the following.                         (3mks)

a)   Toothbrush


b)   A comb

c)   A towel


5.   Give two points to consider when choosing cosmetics.                                             (2mks)

6.State some changes that take place in boys and girls during adolescence.                   (6mks)


7.Define first aid.                                                                                                              (1mk)

8.Distinguish between drug abuse and drug misuse.                                                        (2mks)


9.List seven items that are essential in a first Aid kit. Explain what each item is used for.


10.Name 3 different methods of providing a family with shelter.                                   (3mks)

11.Highlight the factors to consider when buying a house.                                             (5mks)

12.Classify the kitchen equipments and in each category give examples.                       (3mks)

13.Define food hygiene.                                                                                                   (1mk)

14.Give 5 desirable properties of cotton .                                                                         (5mks)

15.Name two dry Heat methods of cooking.                                                                    (2mks)

16.Explain four disadvantages of apartment housing units.                                             (4mks)

17.State 2 uses of microwave oven.                                                                                 (3mks)

18.Briefly describe two major classes of stiches.                                                             (4mks)

Hsci Form 2 EndTerm 1 SECTION B

19.a)Describe how you will go about rescuing a victim who has been drowned by water.


b)Give the meaning of RICE in sprain treatment.                                                      (2mks)

c)Describe how to launder a loose coloured cotton shirt                               (10mks)


20. a) Explain 3 causes of food poisoning.                                                                             (6mks)

b) Outline four hygienic practices people who handle food should observe.                        (8mks)

c) Identify four types of mobs.                                                                                               (4mks) d) Name two pieces of furn

Home Science Form Two Past Paper Questions and Answers

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