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History Paper 2 Topical Questions On Social,Economic And Political Developments And Challenges In Africa Since  Independence

  1. State two political challenges facing Tanzania after independence                                                       2 Mks QUES 11,DIST 4

2. What was the main ideological differences between Patrick Lumumba and Joseph

Kasaraba?                                                                                (1mk)QUES 15,DIST 5

3. State the main political challenge that has faced Democratic Republic of Congo after   

independence.                                                                                     (1 mk)QUES 14,DIST 6

4. Identify two political challenges that have faced the Democratic Republic of Congo

since independence                                                                 (2mks)QUES 13,DIST 9

5. State two political challenges that have faced Tanzania since independence                                                                                                                                            (2mks)QUES 16,DIST 11

6. State one aim of the Arusha declaration in Tanzania.        (1mk)QUES 15,DIST 14

7.Mention two reforms made by Mobutu Sese Seko in an attempt to stabilize the democratic        republic of Congo since independence.                (2mks)QUES 8,DIST 16

8. What is the main political challenge in Africa?                 (1mk)QUES 15,DIST 18


  1. Political challenges facing Tanzania after independence
    1. Political assassination of Abeid Karume
    1. Poor relation between the main land and island Zanzibar
    1. Political exiles e.g.. Oscar Kambona
    1. Different ideologies between the main land and Zanzibar
    1. Army mutiny
    1. Capitalists opposed Arusha declaration
    1. Zanzibar threat to withdraw from the union
    1. Border closure with her neighbours e.g. Uganda.
    1. Rise of multi-party democracy threatened unity
    1. Terrorist attack                                                                  1 x 2 = 2 Marks  QUES 11,DIST 4

2. – Patrice Lumumba wanted unitary system of government while Kasavubu wanted a Federal

            system of government                         1 x 1 = 1mk

                        (Differences must be clear)                            QUES 15,DIST 5

3. State the main political challenge that has faced Democratic Republic of Congo after       

independence.                                    (1 mk)

– Political instability/civil wars/dictatorship.              (1 X 1 = 1mk)QUES 14,DIST 6

4. Identify two political challenges that have faced the Democratic Republic of Congo

since independence                           (2mks)

Military coup deta’t

            ii)         Ethnic differences / tribal clashes

            iii)        Secession disputes

            iv)        Civil wars

            v)         Political assassinations

            vi)        Foreign interferences

            vii)       Army mutiny                                       1 x 2 = 2mksQUES 13,DIST 9

History Paper 2 Topical Questions On Social,Economic And Political Developments And Challenges In Africa Since  Independence

5. i) At independence political power was skewed towards the urban elites.

     ii) Africanisation of political institutions created a power vacuum.

    iii) The army muting of Jan 20, 1964.

    iv) The union of Tanzania & Zanzibar and resultant differences.

    v) Pressure from the cold war.

    vi) Political differences from E.A heads of States.

   vii) Assassination of Sheikh Abeid Karume.

   viii) Socialism made donors to shy away.              (Any 2 x1 = 2mks)QUES 16,DIST 11

6. State one aim of the Arusha declaration in Tanzania.                                                  (1mk)

  • To encourage self-reliance
  • Promote communalism
  • Nationalization of key sectors of the economy

1 x 1 = 1mk QUES 15,DIST 14

       7. Two reforms made by Mobutu Sese Seko in attempts to stabilize the Democratic Republic of Congo since independence

  • He reformed constitution and stripped parliament of its powers.
  • He abolished the federal system and the local assemblies.
  • He reduced the number of provinces to eight
  • The civil servants were to be appointed by the central government
  • He founded his own party the popular Movement Revolution.         2×1 = 2 mks QUES 8,DIST 16

8. – Civil war / political instability                                          (1mk) QUES 15,DIST 18

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