CRE Topical Questions and Answers-Faith and God’s promises: Abraham


1.         Ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in God.

  • Accepted to move from Haran to Canaan.
  • Accepted to be circumcised in old age.
  • He believed to God’s promises.
  • He accepted to sacrifice his only son to God.
  • He entered into a covenant with God.
  • He changed his name from Abram to Abraham.
  • He built altars for God.
  • He worshipped God alone.
  • – He made sacrifices to God

2.         Elements of  covenant.                                                                                                           

            – A Covenant involves two or more parties.

            – It should have a physical reminder.

            – A covenant involves an oath or a promise to fulfill an obligation.

            – A covenant should be sealed by shedding blood, taking an oath or signing a pact.

            – It should involve a witness or witnesses.

            – A covenant speaks out serious consequences for those who break it.

            – It should have a solemn ceremony. 

3.         Importance of the circumcision to Abraham and his descent ants.                              

            – It was a sign of the covenant God has with Abraham.

            – It was a sign of the Israelite’s unity.

            – It was an outward sign of inner faith.

            – It showed the Israelites’ acceptance of God as the tru God and their willingness to obey Him.

            – It had a spiritual significance and set apart the people of God.

            – It was a reminder of the promises God gave to Abraham and his descendants.

            – It gave them a sense of belonging and identity as the chosen nation and separated them from     the Gentiles.

– It became a constant reminder that the Israelites needed to remain committed to the covenant.

-Through the circumcision, Abraham and his descendants were expected to obey God and do       what   is right and pleasing to Him.                                                  (7 x 1) mks  

4.         The covenant between God and Abraham                                                                

  1. Abraham was told by God to bring sacrificial animals, a heifer 3 years old, a she goat 3 yrs old, a ram 3 yrs old, a turtle dove and a young pigeon
  2. God told Abraham to cut the animals into halves and arrange them opposite each other
  3. Abraham drove away the birds of prey that came onto the carcasses
  4. At sunset, Abraham fell into deep sleep and thick darkness came over him
  5. Abraham was given other promises by God
  6. Smoking fire pot with flaming torch appeared and passed between the pieces of meat              

5.          Ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in God.

  • Accepted to move from Haran to Canaan.
  • Accepted to be circumcised in old age.
  • He believed to God’s promises.
  • He accepted to sacrifice his only son to God.
  • He entered into a covenant with God.
  • He changed his name from Abram to Abraham.
  • He built altars for God.
  • He worshipped God alone.
  • He made sacrifices to God.         

6.          Reasons why Abraham is referred to as father of faith

  1. Left his land and wealth to go to a foreign land
  2. He was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac
  3. He built an altar for God at Bethel and Shechem
  4. He accepted to make a covenant with God by offering him sacrifices of animals and birds
  5. He accepted to change his name from Abram to Abraham
  6. He accepted God’s command of circumcision at old age

He abandoned the worship of idols and worshipped Yahweh as true God