What is Mentorship and Coaching in Teaching



 A structured, sustained process of enabling an individual to gain more knowledge and skills to assist him/her in advancing professional and personal skills and/or leadership capabilities for more effective service delivery, job performance and career management.


 An approach where a supervisor supports an individual or a team by building their skills, competencies and attitudes through direction and instruction inorder to learn a paricular skill (current skills or acquiring new skills) or work towards a set goal. The purpose of coaching is to improve the individual’s performance on the job.

How do you Select a Mentor/Coach?

A TIMEC programme mentor/coach should be;

(i)  A professional or expert/talented in a specific area;

(ii) For a teacher/ institutional administrator, must have a specific area of         specialization/subject gurus;

(iii)            Of good conduct and integrity;

(iv)            Willing to offer service as a volunteer;

(v) Persons of professional repute and enjoys respect of colleagues; and

VI) Innovative.

The following parameters will also be considered during selection of the mentors/coaches:

a) Gender;

b) Persons Living with Disability,

c) Religion

Qualities of a Mentor?

  • Desire to help/support others
  •  Has time to Mentor the Mentee 
  •  Should be ready to tell the mentee the truth (Reality check)
  •  Support the Mentee’s individual career development plan
  • Provides guidance and constructive feedback.
  • Respected by colleagues and employees at all levels of the institution .
  • Sets and meets ongoing personal and professional goals.
  • Values the opinions and initiatives of others.
  • Motivates others by setting a good example.

Roles  of a Mentor

  • Coaching
  • Role modeling
  • Counseling and support
  • Friendship
  •  Provide exposure and visibility for the Mentee

Who are Mentors at School Level?

  • Senior teachers
  • Peer Teachers
  • Team leaders
  • Subject heads and subject experts

Benefits of Mentorship to a Mentor

  • Has an opportunity to pass on successes
  • Practice interpersonal & management skills
  • Become recognized/appreciated
  • Expand their horizons and self satisfaction
  • Gains more than the Mentee does

Importance of Mentorship

  1. It is a relationship where an experienced person assists an employee to  grow in all spheres of their life
  2. The mentor also facilitates career development and psycho-social development/support by providing a vehicle for accomplishing the development task
  3. Improves productivity.
  4. Prevents occurrence of professional misconduct

Responsibilities OF the Mentee in Mentorship

  • Willingness to learn
  • Ability to accept feedback
  • Willingness to “stretch”
  • Ability to identify goals

What is Coaching?

  • An approach to management – where a supervisor  supports employee by building their skills,  competencies and attitudes.
  •  Get the person to manage their own learning
  •  Provide encouragement & advice
  •  Provide specific guidance when required
  •  Agree how progress should be monitored & reviewed

Roles  of a Coach

  • Provide guidance on how to carry out specific tasks – towards learning
  • Help people become aware of how well they are doing and what they need to learn
  • Use whatever situations arise as learning opportunities

Criteria for Identifying Mentors and Coaches:

  • Persons of professional repute
  • Subject specialists (gurus)
  • Talented persons in curriculum activities
  • Excellent (all round performers)
  • People of high moral standing in the community, religious organizations
  • Innovators
  • Performing institutions etc.