The Code of Regulations for Teachers (2015), describes the Head of Institution as a lead educator and a quality assurance officer within the institution. Standards for instructional leaders and competency indicators have been developed to serve as guidelines and benchmarks for the assessment of their work. The Seven (7) Standards and competency indicators for instructional leaders are as enumerated below: –
Standard 1: Takes Lead in Promoting Professionalism throughout the teaching Career
Competency Indicators The Instructional Leader:
1.1. Leads in Demonstrating professionalism when engaging and communicating with learners, parents, colleagues, community and models high standards of teaching characterized by collegiality, honesty, integrity, fairness, and accountability.
1.2. Leads in Contributing to collaborative, inclusive, and friendly school through participation in activities and partnerships with communities.
1.3. Leads in creating inclusive classroom environment that supports the social, physical, intellectual, mental, cultural, and emotional development of learners.
1.4. Undertakes lifelong learning and continually engages in self-reflection, professional inquiry, and professional learning in subject-area content, pedagogy, assessment, technology, health and well-being and cultural responsiveness.
1.5. Leads in accessing broad range of professional learning opportunities from multiple sources including coaches, mentors, and colleagues.
1.6. Is up to date on current educational theories, innovations in instruction, assessment, program planning, classroom management and their application in the classroom.
1.7. Leads in demonstrating understanding of Teachers Service Commission Act of 2012, the Rights and Obligations of teachers as provided for in the Code of Regulations for Teachers and the Ethical issues regarding teaching as provided for in the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
1.8. Leads in conforming to professional expectations through appropriate dressing, punctuality, communication, and conduct in school, community, and on-line environments.
1.9. Leads in observing confidentiality requirements associated with their work, including the recording, storing, access, release, and handling of confidential information.
1.10. Leads in demonstrating understanding of the governance structures of basic education institutions (Role of County Education Boards, Boards of Management, Education Standards and Quality Assurance Council, Kenya National Examinations Council, Kenya Institute of Curriculum
Development) and their legal acts.
1.11. Demonstrates understanding of the Rights of learners as provided for in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, various charters, Basic Education Act 2013, and other legal documents.
1.12. Leads in demonstrating understanding of Trends and Reforms in Education since Independence.
1.13. Leads in demonstrating understanding of key provisions of Teachers Service Commission Act 2012 (the Mandate of the Commission, Registration and Discipline of teachers, compliance with Teaching Standards and the role of Boards of Management as agents of the Teachers Service Commission).
1.14. Leads in demonstrating understanding of the legal relationship between the Teachers service Commission and County Governments in regard to employment and management of Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) teachers and management of Legal proceedings against government institutions.
Standard No.2: Takes lead in pedagogical content Knowledge and understanding of Competency-Based Curriculum and how to implement it.
Competency Indicators Instructional Leader:
2.1. Leads in demonstrating understanding of subject content knowledge and research based instructional practices that engage learners’ learning activities.
2.2. Leads in understanding of how learners learn and ensures teachers use appropriate pedagogies and resources to respond to learners’ diverse abilities.
2.3. Leads in demonstrating skills that support teachers in integrating the pedagogy of community service learning in their teaching.
2.4. Leads in supporting teacher infused entrepreneurial and financial literacy skills across the curriculum.
2.5. Leads in supporting teachers to integrate literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum.
2.6. Leads in demonstrating understanding of the broad 21st century learners’ outcomes and support systems.
2.7. Leads in demonstrating sound understanding of competency-based curriculum and its implementation process.
2.8. Leads in demonstrating understanding of Basic Education Curriculum Reform (BECR) i.e. the core curriculum competencies, competency indicators and how to integrate them within the teaching subject and across grade levels.
2.9. Leads in demonstrating capability of how to plan teaching with the end in mind using Backward Instructional Design Model in implementing a competency-based curriculum.
Standard 3: Takes Lead in creating an Environment that Promotes Assessment and reporting.
Competency Indicators
The Instructional Leader:
3.1. Leads in designing assessment For, As and Of learning.
3.2. Leads in using information from assessment on learners’ performance to modify and differentiate teaching and learning activities.
3.3. Leads in engaging learners actively in assessment process, in order to develop their capacity to co-construct criteria for success, self-monitor progress, and provides prompt, descriptive and specific feedback to learners.
3.4. Leads in the use of information to determine not only what learners know but also if they apply what they know.
3.5. Leads in facilitating assessment as learning through helping learners develop skills for knowing about, reflecting on, and monitoring their own learning.
3.6. Leads in designing assessment of learning to confirm what learners know and can do, to demonstrate if they have achieved curriculum outcomes.
3.7. Leads in embedding assessment in all levels of lesson planning to meet basic education curriculum outcomes.
3.8. Leads in designing assessment activities, tasks and strategies, for example:
performance tasks, anecdotal records, reflective journals, portfolios, peer assessments, dramatizations, projects, interviews, surveys, self-assessments, observations, rubrics, rating scales, etc.
3.9. Leads in Demonstrating understanding of a range of strategies for reporting learners’ achievements and develops accurate records to inform and communicate learner progress in timely and respectable manner to learners and parents.
Standard 4: Takes Lead in Creating and Supporting Inclusive Education Practices
Competency Indicators The Instructional Leader:
4.1 Leads in designing a teaching and learning environment that is responsive to the physical, social, cultural, emotional and learning needs of all learners.
4.2 Leads in involving learners in establishing and maintaining classroom procedures, routines, and ensures discipline issues are addressed promptly, fairly and respectfully.
4.3 Leads in designing a learning environment where learners have access to both material and human resources to promote their learning.
4.4 Leads in creating inclusive classroom where learners with special needs have opportunities to demonstrate their learning in their own way, using appropriate resource support, both human and material including assistive technology that accommodates their needs, and enables them to learn at their own pace.
4.5 Leads in demonstrating understanding of learners as individuals with distinct personal and diverse skills, abilities, talents and interests.
4.6 Leads in establishing and implementing inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all learners in classroom activities.
4.7 Leads in integrating strategies that ensure a safe, responsible and ethical use of technology in learning and teaching.
4.8 Leads in developing enriching experiences to support the gifted and talented learners.
Standard 5: Takes Lead in Promoting a Comprehensive School Health and Safety
Competency Indicators The Instructional Leader:
5.1 Leads in Demonstrating professionalism when engaging and communicating with learners, parents, colleagues and community.
5.2 Leads in modelling high standards of teaching characterized by collegiality, honesty, integrity, fairness, and accountability.
5.3 Leads in understanding of the concept of health literacy skills, social determinants of health, and comprehensive school health.
5.4 Leads in demonstrating understanding of infectious diseases and their sources to reduce learners’ exposure to these health conditions through education.
5.5 Leads in demonstrating understanding of emotional health and stressors and uses stress reduction strategies to support learners.
5.6 Leads in understanding of sexuality, health education and HIV, and educates learners on risky sexual behaviour including HIV infection.
5.7 Leads in demonstrating understanding of drug use, drug addiction, and educates learners on the potential harm to their health and well-being.
5.8 Leads in demonstrating understanding of environmental health, and educates learners to keep healthy environment including proper garbage and recyclable disposal and staying green.
5.9 Leads in demonstrating understanding on personal health hygiene and medical conditions associated with unhygienic conditions.
5.10 Leads in demonstrating understanding on nutrition and healthy eating and educates learners on health risks associated with consumption of unhealthy foods such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart conditions.
5.11 Leads in demonstrating understanding on effects of bullying on learners and educates learners to build caring and respectful healthy relationships.
5.12 Leads in demonstrating basic skills to handle life saving measures e.g. breathing emergencies, resuscitation and cardiopulmonary techniques, bleeding and shock management, splinting, burns and scalds, first aid equipment etc.
5.13 Leads in demonstrating appropriate skills to manage fire equipment and handle fire disasters.
Standard 6: Takes Lead in Knowledge and application of Financial Literacy skills
Competency Indicators The Instructional Leader:
6.1 Leads in demonstrating literacy on financial matters; including financial management, terminologies, concepts and principles.
6.2 Leads in applying various financial planning techniques such as budgeting, cash-flow projections, and cost benefit analysis, variance analysis and cost management.
6.3 Leads in analysing and interpreting financial management statements and reports such as the balance sheets, income and expenditure statements and assets register.
6.4 Leads in demonstrating understanding of procurement and disposal of goods and services as required by the Public Procurement and Disposal Act (2015) and Public Procurement Manual for Schools and Colleges (July 2009) and the Public Audit Act (2003) which govern the audit of school books.
6.5 Leads in demonstrating understanding of stores management and accounting procedures that ensure proper stock control systems are established and maintained in the school for the purposes of accountability.
6.6 Leads in infusing financial literacy across the teaching subject areas.
6.7 Leads in demonstrating understanding of the concepts on entrepreneurship education and how to design learning experiences including school based activities, community-based learning, and mentoring that enhance entrepreneurial spirit and initiative among the learners.
Standard 7: Takes lead in Developing a Collaborative Professional Learning Culture
Competency Indicators
The Instructional Leader:
7.1 Leads and models lifelong learning.
7.2 Leads in Developing and implementing a shared vision for instruction that supports all learners.
7.3 Leads in Promoting capacity building of all staff.
7.4 Leads in Building a professional learning community.
7.5 Leads in Practicing distributed leadership that creates opportunities for teachers to serve as instructional leaders.
7.6 Leads in Using educational research and reflection to inform approaches to professional learning and school improvement.
7.7 Leads in mentoring and coaching of teachers.